Nintendo. I am sick of you!

After Brawl and Mario Kart, the rest is just junk.

I am getting another console, to play good games.

Grand Theft Auto
Devil May Cry
The Force Unleashed (with all the new technologies)
Resident Evil 5
God of War 3

and more mature games
What I liked about San Andreas was that there was soooo much to do. So many weapons and cars. Honestly I had fun just driving around half the time. Driving motorcycles was also a ton of fun.

As far as the wii goes, I keep buying games after reading them and them sounding exciting. Honestly after being constantly disappointed I'm beginning to think I'm just growing out of video games. It's quite sad, but I might have to accept it as the truth.
highroller said:
After Brawl and Mario Kart, the rest is just junk.

I am getting another console, to play good games.

Grand Theft Auto
Devil May Cry
The Force Unleashed (with all the new technologies)
Resident Evil 5
God of War 3

and more mature games
You, sir, are an idiot. How do you know if the games after those two are "junk?" YOU CAN'T! If yer a hardcore gamer.....then I guess I understand.

*cough* dumbass *cough*
highroller said:
After Brawl and Mario Kart, the rest is just junk.

I am getting another console, to play good games.

Grand Theft Auto
Devil May Cry
The Force Unleashed (with all the new technologies)
Resident Evil 5
God of War 3

and more mature games

Do "mature" games make you feel tough??
Dumbass_Luigi said:
You, sir, are an idiot. How do you know if the games after those two are "junk?" YOU CAN'T! If yer a hardcore gamer.....then I guess I understand.

*cough* dumbass *cough*

HAHA LOL!! qoute this user to uncover a secret message(seriously). That's some funny Sh*t Luigi!!

Anyways, I'm getting tired of all these kids who call themselves "hardcore" and talk about how they wanna see guns, blood and guts. That's just very close-minded. I am a hardcore gamer and I'm enjoying Mario Galaxy. I've been playing since the Atari/NES days, and have owned a sh*t load of systems. I'm more hardcore than half these geeks who think blood makes a game better. Or believe good graphics make a good game.
i would consider myself a hardcore gamer :D

but im most do my gaming on pc,

get another console if you want to, i myself is going to get a 360 as it the cheapest XD but still theres more gmes coming out than mk and ssbb.

might get ps3 FF coming out for that XD
It doesn't need to change, the Wii already has Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart Wii, No More Heroes, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Medal of Honor Heroes 2, and Wii Sports. As long as they keep dishing out games like that, I'll be fine. Just save the mature games for the 360, because if you wanted a mature game, you should've gotten a 360.
VidyaVince said:
GTA? On the Wii?

Lol, no.

Why do people get the idea that violent games are not possible on the Wii? Was Manhunt 2 not enough proof for you? As far as games go, It's not completely up to Nintendo, most of these deals are done behind the scenes. It's not like Nintendo sends an email to Rockstar saying:

"I'm sorry but I don't want GTA on my system. Bye."

Rockstar has already been in talks with Nintendo about bringing the franchise to its systems. But money talks and my guess is that MS and Sony are buying the rights and Nintendo isn't willing to shell out the money. Stop bit**in and enjoy far greater games like Metroid Prime 3 and Brawl.
Shadow3401 said:
Everyone, listen to my words.
The wii needs at least one Grand theft outo ok. The wii dose not relize that if they make a fucing deal with rockstar about that game(only for the wii) that the wii is going to be on the top. What do you think about this?

What do I think?

I think I just bought a PS3, so I really don't care what games don't come to the Wii anymore :lol:
rofl owned...

a lesson to everyone:

be smart, get a 360 or PS3 and buy 1st party/exclusive Wii games, because thats where it shines at.
T3kNi9e said:
Uhh what? Where are you getting this from? Rockstar has gone on record saying GTA on the Wii is laughable...

Where are you getting THAT from. If Rockstar really said that then I have really lost respect for them. I thought they were smarter than that.

And Rockstar being in talks with Nintendo about GTA is very very old news. It's been happening for years.

I think I'm gonna stop posting on this thread, It's starting to turn into retardville.

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