Nintendo. I am sick of you!

Clarke said:
Yeah that's why we have Manhunt 2 on Wii.

It's a matter of whether Rockstar wants to develop it for the Wii which they obviously don't.
I know that we have Manhunt 2 on the Wii...we're also getting Bully, another game made by Rockstar. I never said that Nintendo would say no to Rockstar games, I'm just saying I don't think Nintendo would allow it on the Wii if Rockstar wants it or not.

Slim probabilities or any of that to happen.
SO then by the looks of it, Rockstar is leaning towards the Wii's direction.

We will eventuall get a GTA styled game sooner or later.
You guys still all think 3rd party cares about what console they sell on... They don't its buisness flat out, unless they have a contract agreement they will make whatever for whoever aslong as it means making money.

The reason we dont have huge 3rd party support is because no one thought the Wii would do this well, not even Nintendo! Pretty obvious based on the still impossibal to find wii and shortages.

Now it takes 6-12 months to make a decent game.With that time frame for the Wii we were just starting to see the huge popularity in 9-12 month sales area with the Wii.
I'm sure publishers noticed this aswell, and we hear endless stories now of them shifting development twards the Wii. So far its been 15 months so even the ones who started to switch over at 9 months of Wii sales means we are just now getting the titles...
The ones that waited a year or longer to see where the consoles lied "which was most 3rd party" are probably in development now for the Wii titles. So you still have to figure another 3-9 months before we see 3rd Party support like crazy.

It will come "if they like money and staying in buisness" they arn't fanboy gamers they go where the money is, it is buisness nothing more. Any other decision is just stupidity on there part, and they will suffer for it finacially.
FR. said:
I know that we have Manhunt 2 on the Wii...we're also getting Bully, another game made by Rockstar. I never said that Nintendo would say no to Rockstar games, I'm just saying I don't think Nintendo would allow it on the Wii if Rockstar wants it or not.

Slim probabilities or any of that to happen.

Where do you guys keep comming up with this idea that Nintendo has a say in what 3rd party games are put on the console?

If you buy the license to make Wii games you can make any game you want Nintendo can't tell you that you can't sell it!

This was settled years ago back in the Atari Days... Video Game consoles are Much like VCR's/DVD players in the FCC and other Gov't agencys eyes. It plays Video games but the doesn't give the console manufacturer the right to say what does and doesn't make it onto a console. They just get paid for copyrights,patents, license agreements thats it.

Granted they arn't going to hand out licenses to just anyone but all the larger 3rd party already have a license to make games. The only thing stopping them from releasing GTA on the Wii would be a contract agreement with the game from previous versions. Thats the only thing that stops any big game from making it to other consoles, Alot of times big 3rd party titles are bought with exclusive rights and they can't sell it before the rights run out. Beyond that you can make any game you feel like for anyone you have a license, all you HAVE to do is get the game rated.
Shadow3401 said:
Everyone, listen to my words.
The wii needs at least one Grand theft outo ok. The wii dose not relize that if they make a fucing deal with rockstar about that game(only for the wii) that the wii is going to be on the top. What do you think about this?

For all of the blood and violence then get Scarface, the Godfather or No more heroes. And if your still not satisfied you are a moron GTA isn't up to nintendo, its up to Rockstar. Sure Rockstar did release manhunt 2 for wii but toned down the gruesome scenes to make its especially for the wii, for them to tone it down i don't know know but hey it worked. So quite your bitching.
If you GTA so much then buy a ps3. Scarface, godfather and NMH and manhunt 2 are violent enough. Halo for wii i can't see how that would work. but HOTD 2 & 3 i can't want for. Think we need a game like Dead Rising not just RE4, or something like nightmare creatures 1 & 2 or another Ninja gaiden.
So who cares if GTA isn't on the wii we got 3 great games so far.
if you want it so bad then buy a ps3 or 360
'Nintendo. I am sick of you' - Wanting a GTA game on the wii isn't a valid reason for that.

Like other people have said if you want to play GTA just play it on another console. Why should the wii have every single game ever.
GTA vice city is one of the best games ever it is in my top 5 when i 1st got my hands on this game it was so sweet i love it so much i still play it... if they had one on the wii great if not ill get over it san ondrais never tickled my Fancy i think they tried 2 hard with that game VC best ps2 game ever
toomstone said:
GTA vice city is one of the best games ever it is in my top 5 when i 1st got my hands on this game it was so sweet i love it so much i still play it... if they had one on the wii great if not ill get over it san ondrais never tickled my Fancy i think they tried 2 hard with that game VC best ps2 game ever
Despite it's billions of glitches and gameplay restrictions (compared to later versions) I'd agree.

Lawl @ the highlighted word.
Seriously Make a no more heroes 2 and let him steal cars and deal with drug and organized crime lords after fatal frame is done! Then make it on line playable so you can get your halo on...LOL Really golden eye didn't need to go to the xbox for halo to be born and I would rather have suda working on a GTA type of game because I was bored with part 2 of GTA and will not be getting the next ones either.

Really the characters where so forgettable and I really I wonder how well it will actually do. What is it you like about GTA so much any way?
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toomstone said:
GTA vice city is one of the best games ever it is in my top 5 when i 1st got my hands on this game it was so sweet i love it so much i still play it... if they had one on the wii great if not ill get over it san ondrais never tickled my Fancy i think they tried 2 hard with that game VC best ps2 game ever

You, sir, are the biggest moron to grace this failing planet. Honestly, while reading your post, i felt my I.Q. go down 17 Points. I think you need to go back to second grade where they teach you how to use capitalization (correctly) and punctuation, and maybe how to spell hard words such as first and Andreas.

Sorry if that came off as mean, i needed to vent...
if we have manhunt fron rockstar GTA is soon to come IMO

the Wii does not NEED GTA but hey the more games to choose from the better.

BTW I enjoyed manhunt 2 on Wii ALOT, I beat it and still can't put it down, WISH it was UNCUT but thats another story.

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