Sick of Competition

LevesqueIsKing said:
They payed the most = Their's must be better = It must come with FREE bragging rights

PS3 is clearly the best when you compare the price to what you get vs other consoles. Period. There really isn't much to discuss about it, it's a fact on any measure.
It's not bragging, it's frustration of PS3 owners when games get delayed, some developers cease development for it due to small userbase, EA makes crappy ports and most multi-platform games look/run better on cheaper 360 because they were first made for it. Frustration over stupid technology-retarded consumers jumping on technologically inferior products like lemmings and industry follows.

It very well may be that PS3 gets "dreamcasted" this generation, so they have all the good reasons to be frustrated. It's a brilliant product.
wii would like tp play- wii
we want to burn p your home- xbox360
we want to spend all of your money and lose our own- ps3
Just choose your side and stand your ground, WE ARE SPARTANS!
Wiichat do flame the least. Ofcourse, we take pokes at the other two consoles, but i don't see us rating games we havent even played. Which I've seen on ps3chat, they have put down the wii for no reason. Wiichat don't do that sort of thing. Wiichat have mature members, I've only seen a couple of those on ps3chat.

I have nothing against 360chat, thhey seem like a good bunch.

We probably flame the least because we're not insecure about our console choice. The wii is ahead, that's great news for us right? How do you think ps3chat feels? Their console's dead last, i feel bad for them really.

But you can see why right? Ps3 has fantastic graphic capabilities, but the 360 will always have better graphics in ports. Why? Because 360's proccessors and entire engine make it ALOT easier to work with. You can achieve better graphics faster on a 360 than you can with a ps3, and companies like EA like to make their multiplatform games in a short period. You need more time and talent to make truly great graphics on ps3.

So, in about 2 or 3 years time (maybe less), you will see some incredible graphics on the ps3. By this time, Developers will know alot more about the system's true abilities and how to unlock them. Alot of these good looking games will come from 1st and 2nd party develepors mind you, but they will still be fantastic games.

Well this concludes todays rant. I will be on wiichat until the Smash Bros site updates, after that I'll be playing wii.
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yeah, may be more games will go HD and look better, but they are still the same in term of playing - grab the controller and press buttons
many people still don't get this point, or don't want to get
kmcheng said:
sorry, don't quite get you. What do you mean?
"they are still the same in term of playing - grab the controller and press buttons"
What I mean is that regular gamepads controls can be implemented in new ways, and there is more to gameplay than the controller. Just because it has motion sensing doesn't automatically make it better, in most cases it makes it worse. It is no different than a gamepad, the buttons are just mapped to a gesture which usually doesn't work out well and turns a game with high potential into a piece of ****.
motion sensor is good, it adds some realism to the player. But the motion sensor itself is not enough. you need to figure out what to do with it also.
While xbox and PS3 got new games and HD, the controller are still the same, Wii's game control structure is totally changed that brings new potential to games.
paintba||er said:

"they are still the same in term of playing - grab the controller and press buttons"
What I mean is that regular gamepads controls can be implemented in new ways, and there is more to gameplay than the controller. Just because it has motion sensing doesn't automatically make it better, in most cases it makes it worse. It is no different than a gamepad, the buttons are just mapped to a gesture which usually doesn't work out well and turns a game with high potential into a piece of ****.

You make a good point, Paintballer. The controller isn't being used to it's fullest potential. That's the problem with something so "Crazy" as the wii remote. I do hope that game developers get a handle on it and stop thinking of it as a regular controller and think if it as something different, otherwise we will continue to see games with "tacked on" wii controls mapped to botton presses. Yuk. :rolleyes:
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the game companies would need a while to get used to this new controlling system, and to figure out what can it do.
Zack and Wiki is a good example of using the controller well. 3rd parties have made it seem like the Wii remote is only good for replacing buttons with gestures, but that's simply not true.

Heres an example from a Zack and Wiki puzzle. You have a key with two ends. There is a key-hole, but the end is the wrong way. So rather than pressing a button to flip it over, you just flip over the Wii remote to use the other side.

Another example is using the end of the handle of a broom to get a key off a painting. When you go to get the other piece, a trap door opens. You see a pair of eyes staring at you and opening the trap when it sees you come near.

So what do you do? You flip the Wii remote over and use it as a paint brush.

What would also be pretty cool is a sword game for the Wii. What? It can be done. story:

I sign up, post my introduction saying something along the lines of, "Hi. I'm a fan of Nintendo. I'm not bias in any way, however I must say that I favor the Wii over the 360 and the PS3. I hope you guys aren't totally close-minded towards people like me." 10 minutes later, I check back at my profile and I have 3 pity reps all saying the same general thing, "You got balls; you're going to get the hell flamed out of you." I stopped going to the site after posting twice. You couldn't even post an opinion without getting shot down 2 seconds after you hit "Send"...

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