Nintendo. I am sick of you!

Shadow3401 said:
Everyone, listen to my words.
The wii needs at least one Grand theft outo ok. The wii dose not relize that if they make a fucing deal with rockstar about that game(only for the wii) that the wii is going to be on the top. What do you think about this?

I think you're a crybaby. That's what I think about it. Enjoy the fruits the Wii has right now...
kurokaito said:
My parents wouldn't let me buy it :(

:lol: My parents got me Mortal Kombat for christmas when I was little and that game got worse press than San Andreas!!!:lol:
I remember all the hype for grand theft auto 64, but they never released it... I'd like to see it happen as well.
I'd like to see a version on the Wii. I can live without it though as theres plenty of other games out there that take up my gaming time! I'd also like to see RE:5 but :(
Shadow3401 said:
Everyone, listen to my words.
The wii needs at least one Grand theft outo ok. The wii dose not relize that if they make a fucing deal with rockstar about that game(only for the wii) that the wii is going to be on the top. What do you think about this?
Oh Please! Grand Theft Auto couldn't hold a candle to the popularity of most Nintendo franchises. It would be a nice pick up, but it's no reason to hate Nintendo.
What about the ones who use loose instead of lose or dose instead of does and so forth and so on? What's their excuse?
I think that by the end of the year nintendo will be on top anyway.Plus Grand theft auto is not even that good of a game. And if you really want it then get a playstation if its that big of a deal.
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You are trying to take a concept that is very complex and make it simple with money.
"Buy an exclusive GTA" It's just not that simple. I'm sure it would help the Wii, and Nintendo has been told to be in talks with Rockstar so I guess it could happen, but Rockstar is happy with its ports for now.
Not only that but the cost of exclusivity!

The only way this would really bennefit Nintendo with is to snatch up the few "hardcore" that so far have refuse to buy a Wii. If they "steal" a few Exclusive titles that Sony has dropped they could improve there already large fanbase with some hardcore gamers disgruntled ones but still, ther eis no gaurantee the new fan base is going to buy up the "pop" titles aswell so you risk alot.

With exclusivity you have to always be guaranteed sucess for the investment.
I pay X amount of dollars for you to make this for my console only. "usually X amount is a crazy amount that covers all development cost from the start and alot of times will include lost sales from the other consoles." Now if i don't sell X amount of games then I Lose money even after selling a few million copies. So its more risk than anything.

Nintendo does have some extra cash now, do they want to gamble with it and go the route of MS/Sony with 3rd party?
Nintendo has gotta protect those children and keeping GTA away from Wii is just another charade to make them look positive in parents eyes yet Manhunt 2 was ok?

Every mom and dad no matter how backwards they are technologically has heard of GTA and stealing cars or beating up hookers as a part of the game and will love the fact Nintendo is keeping it away from their good little angels they call children. How about you start parenting your children and start watching what they are doing, like all those little perfect children dont find anything on the internet they shouldnt be looking at, please.

Contrary to popular opinion here on a Wii forum, nintendo is losing. Attracting and maintaing a diverse fanbase would put them over the top but that means keeping an adult audience happy and I for one am not.

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