Need Help? Come Here

So.. i am still a wolf and that giggle girl is telling me that the sword is on the sofa and i can just take it. Now i've been all around town and i cannot figure out where it is.

I've been in the house where the sheild was 10,000 times.. its not there and i can't get in any other house.. There is one house that has a women standing outside, but i can't get close.

Now i know asking for help might not be cool.. but i'm a 20 year old girl.. and i'm not use to these games..

Can anyone help me? I realize i am annoying with all the help questions.. BUT I REFUSE TO BUY THE MANNUAL!!

ha, thanks!
i would help you.. but i'm having problems of my own :-(
Katieness2 said:
So.. i am still a wolf and that giggle girl is telling me that the sword is on the sofa and i can just take it. Now i've been all around town and i cannot figure out where it is.

I've been in the house where the sheild was 10,000 times.. its not there and i can't get in any other house.. There is one house that has a women standing outside, but i can't get close.

Now i know asking for help might not be cool.. but i'm a 20 year old girl.. and i'm not use to these games..

Can anyone help me? I realize i am annoying with all the help questions.. BUT I REFUSE TO BUY THE MANNUAL!!

ha, thanks!
It is in the house with the woman standing outside. You have to go around her, keeping close to the edge. When you get to the side of the house, press < or > to turn on your senses. When you do that, you should notcie a bit dark sparkly bit. Go up to it and press Down on the D-pad. Inside you'll find the sword.
celliz said:
its sounds that u are good in zelda can u help me now plis??:)
I'll give it a try...

hi i am on the last ligth adv. but how do i get the last bug?
Which light bug? The one in Lake Hylia? You have to go back to the enterance of the lake. There, I think you do something, and end up having to fight a really big one.
macc said:
yo how do u get wii freinds and everything like that
You swap Wii codes. To find out your Wii code, go to the little mail symbol in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Then go to the second icon along. This should bring up three pictures, one of a memo board, one of an envelope and one of a address diary. Click on the address diary (third one along) and you should see your Wii number displayed. Give this to a friend, and on the same screen you should see the "Register" option. To add friends, click that button, input their Wii code, followed by their nickname, and you can choose to assign the address a mii picture if you like.

Hope that helps.
Squall7 said:
It is in the house with the woman standing outside. You have to go around her, keeping close to the edge. When you get to the side of the house, press < or > to turn on your senses. When you do that, you should notcie a bit dark sparkly bit. Go up to it and press Down on the D-pad. Inside you'll find the sword.
see and i've tried to sneak! thanks though.. really this has been driving me nuts. THANKS!!
After you save Zelda / Beat Ganon / Ganondorf / whatever, can you still wander the game?

I hate games where you have to do EVERYTHING before you beat the final boss, then when you do, BAMN credits and you can't save your game, you're done.
MaXiMiUS said:
After you save Zelda / Beat Ganon / Ganondorf / whatever, can you still wander the game?

I hate games where you have to do EVERYTHING before you beat the final boss, then when you do, BAMN credits and you can't save your game, you're done.
well thats how it is... i mean you can still go do stuff but you start up everytime b4 you beat ganon.. which is actually how all Zelda games have been in the past.... but hey if you know you beat it... ignore beating Ganny :p and go do side missions
Please help me

Im stuck on the bit where i have to get a fish i can catch the fish but it keeps telling me to drop the fish. do i need to get a bottle or jar to put the fish in if so where can i find one thanx
fishy issues

just drop it where the cat can get it and it not go back in the lake/pond .... thingy ... should just have a cut scene of the cat taking the fish home
Squall7 said:
Which light bug? The one in Lake Hylia? You have to go back to the enterance of the lake. There, I think you do something, and end up having to fight a really big one.

ok tnx for that it works now:thumbsup: