WiiChat Veteran
First of all you can only get 14 tears as the 15th doesn't appear on the map till you've got the first 14. They are scattered all over the province so you'll need to be searching in quite a few places. Use Midna to jump up to higher places and get that bug that's out of your reach. Have a careful look on the map for the 14th one.Jacobedge said:Im stuck on the last of the light spirits of hyrule. I am in zoras domain and have 12 tears in the container but the 13th is somewhere and i have jumped using midna ldz untill i got up 2 a huge ledge but the bug is still not there its is a tiny bit further on than me. help meand also 1nce i have that how do i get the last 2 i have beenreading a walkthrough and still doesnt work