....ne body wanna play ever

lol good games guys. level up those pokemon and lets do the same thing again soon, and mitch, lol kadabra/bronzor pwns you.

Darkonix, you need to get the Pal Card first, i think its after the 1st gym or so. Once obtained, use it to find your code and to enter other peoples codes.
cool, I'll keep everyone posted. Will my offline fights still count as a fight? like 1-0??? I hope not. Ekk, gotta continue playing, this stuff is crazy.
I will add you all in 30 minutes, I have to prepare before going to work. When I'm doing I will wake up the doggies (from nintendogs) and then add you guys (I do that every day, except the codes thing haha)
wakeboardfreak20 said:
ok i have you 3's FC's regestered


Oppss I did not notice that my last post is mine. I will edit here then

Tesla added
Chocolatefrosty added
Last edited:
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  • #22
hey ya wake boarder and mitch, great games with me and eric last night, gotta lvl up more and mitch....my bugs </3 chimchar and the kadabra and bronzor seemed to do him justice lol, ne ways, i gotta lvl up the bug army hah, cya tonight along with the rest of us online, later
Finally got my code working its

2105 5158 0384
You can enter my name as Onix

Im going to add all of you people so aDD ME! plz =)
done, gotta go to work so I'll be on tonight leveling. Im scared to go wifi vs you guys yet. Give me a week to level some. =) Im sure I'll be some competition.
alright, i got Frosty, Chicago, Wake, Onix, and Mitch added so far. If iv'e missed anyones FC please PM it to me. Mine is located in my signature. I'll be home the rest of the night so ill be down for some battles anytime, just post here when your ready.

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