....ne body wanna play ever

come on any body want to play I all ready added you dante. waiting
my freind code is on my sig
once you obtain the pal card, use it to find your code. GG wakeboarder. OH btw, im lookin for someone with pearl to trade me a misdreavus. i believe they are found in the haunted tower. PM me if your willing to trade one and ill see what i can get for ya
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I have a foreing misdreavus (emerald) I want a mmmmmmmmmmm


A mew!!!!


Just kidding, if you send me a Spritomb would be great
Everybody join my pokemon tourny, just search pokemon tourny and sign up put ur fc there too.:thumbsup:
Forget the spitomb, I already got it. Also forget the mew, I will have one soon :D (no kidding) I want a shinny pokemon. (Any one but the Red Gyarados)
Our trade is on! My celebi will be yours!!!

About golbat... I HATE IT!!! I HATE THAT POKEMON I'm bored of zubats and golbats haha
oh ok. hahah i hear ya on the zubats. the very 1st shiny pokemon i ever saw/caught and it had to be a golbat...just my luck
In european versions I do have:

A Pink Celebi
A purple Hypnos
A tentacool with blue eyes (instead of red)
A all brown pidgey (I gave it to my very best friend, as it is his favourite pkmn) I got that on a nintendo thing where I got two celebis too (Not the one that I will send to you, as the one that I will be sending I took it from last year, and I neither can take my pokemons from the european versions :(:( )

Electrode is my favourite pokemon. So I will give whatever for it.
I spend more than 10 hours browsing for a shinny voltorb... I do love that pokemon so I did my best... In all the games I raised a voltorb to an electrode lv 100 (nintendo could set some voltorbs or electrodes in the HQ of Team Galaxy!
Is not the best pokemon... but it is very cool :)

Silk Scarf + Explosion + Gengar (double battles) can be though. btw is not one of the best combos (a golem will destroy the combo)

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