Glad I found this thread! I'm really getting into the Mii art.
I've made:
-Kramer from Seinfeld
-Elaine "" ""
-George "" ""
-Gwyneth Paltrow
-Jennifer Love Hewitt
-Bobby Hill
-Michael Jackson
-Britney Spears (took me forever!)
-Shaggy from Scooby Doo
-Velma "" ""
-Conan O'Brian
-Alanis Morrisette
-Kurt Cobain
-Shelly Long
-Mary Tyler Moore
-Corey Feldman
Winon Ryder (but it's bugging me, I can't get her perfect...)
anyway i'm gonna add you Xangalore, I like your work... you can add me too if you want: Wii nickname: Chris code: 6034 0977 1447 4634
I'm really getting into the Mii art, and I've gone live with If any of you would like to contribute it would be awesome (Xanga? nudge nudge). So far there's just my gallery up, my 8 favorite Mii's. I'll start off just exhibiting Miis of anyone who sends screenshots, and eventually build an index of celebs, with all the versions of the character that have been submitted, a voting system to decide which one is the best version, a 'best alltime' section, how-to pages with videos...
Can't wait til everyone opens their Wiis on Xmas morning, this thing is going to blow up huge!
Also would anyone like to submit Miis to use on the logo at the top? The photography on mine are too low-quality to use for a logo.
thx! I need the content and your miis are awesome. I used your bruce lee in my logo, and I've also made you a section on the gallery page (just quick and dirty for the time being, it links to your flikr page, my gallery isn't properly integrated yet either... soon!).
My fave is the original poster's Lucy Liu! Great work. I struggle most with picking the right eyes for the Mii's. And the only 'celeb' Ive made realistic is John Howard