Mii Chat

is anyone going to play super smash bros brawl online, if so i would like to paly whoever will get the game
I think they should give Mii characters more options on hair color. I really want to make a Nel from Bleach.:sad:
I want Regis & Kelly Mii's LOL! Or American Idol ones but I am not good at making them. I need to pratcice the Wii is new to me. Oh my friend just sent me Randy Paula and Simon ones there cute!! I need to make more..
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Here's a list of the ones I've seen that look exactly like the real thing:

Peter Griffin (From Family Guy)
Bruce Lee
Mr Bean (Rowan Atkinson)
Homer Simpson
Chef (From South Park)
Kyle (From South Park)
Kenny (From South Park)
Asterix & Obelix (There was a game made about 7 years ago, look it up)
Hi, does anybody know how to find the Mii codes... or is it just the Wii Friend Code...
I've made quite a few miis like luigi... and lisa simpson... but i can't seem to find a way to get the Mii Friend Code... The only way I can find is by sending the mii to friends already registered on my Wii Message Board friend roster... anyway... thanks for the help in advance :)
wii speak

does any one have wii speak ill give you my wii number and you can give me yours reply quickly
add me

my wii friend code is 3784 0204 1749 4703 add me i have wii speak and smash bros online
i am all out of ideas on the miis because I have created the best ones =)
hey im new here think u could help me out by the way i don't live that far from im in oregon but near portland

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