Mii Chat

Hey all...I love Wii so much that I made some Wii buttons! they have my Wii console number on them and a pic of my Mii! Hopefully someone will see me rockin my new nerdy Wii buttons and want to exchange Wii numbers! If anyone else wants some check out my blog! www.miibuttons.blogspot.com
i am interested in recieving a few from you guys, but how would i go about doing it?
do i need to add you on my adress book? and then what?..
im been tring to collect celebs but are missing alot and havent got any of the kill bill ones. will people with teses add me and ill add u so u can send mii them???!!!
cheers let mii no who add mii
6438 6968 8777 4952
Xangalore, could you please add me to your list? I'd like to get those mii's off you :D My Wii number is 2561 7704 3562 0644.

Thank you!
hey xangalore, can you add me plz? i love the mii's you made and was hoping if i could get some of them from you. thanks! wii number is 6634-4358-9501-2902 (ming)
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I don't have any more space in my address book. I would totally be willing to add anyone who asks, but they only allow 100 spots in the address book. I have like a couple hundred friend requests over at miiplaza that I don't have room for either. :(

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