Maybe if....


Novocain Stain'd
Jul 2, 2006
Wii Online Code
I thought of one way that Sony might actually be making some money right now and selling more consoles (which goes w/out saying)....they should have made the option of being able to buy the PS3 w/ or w/out the blu ray! It's just a DVD player, right? Well i've heard of ppl not buying the PS3 because its got this useless DVD player, but saying that they'd buy one if it didn't have the DVD player!

Do you guys think Sony would be more successful right now if it wasn't for the blu-ray?
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I would seriously consider it my friend! ;)
maybe if they took it out they might have a slight chance.I just think it's funny how sony's beeen doing this for awhile,then microsoft only having 2 consoles,knew people might not want a overly priced dvd player so they made the option of having on or not.very good choice.
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Maybe it's cuz' Bill Gates is a genius. :lol: He can figure it out w/in 1 release of a system, not bad for a newbie. :smilewinkgrin: Sony...isn't the sharpest tool in the world's biggest hardware store if you know what i'm sayin. ;)

Nintendo never had to figure it out, they're were too smart from the beginning. :lol:
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psychono2 said:
yeah,miyamoto has a instinc.
He's japanese, I think it's all self-explanatory from there. :smilewinkgrin: :lol:
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No, I think it's just a DVD player....not sure though, if anyone could confirm that blu-ray does more than just play DVD's, that would be great. :)
Um ya.... Without the Blue-ray it should be around only 300-400$. I would actaully um ya buy one if it was around 300$. But I love the wii and will still buy it. My dad is convincing me to buy both, but i said to wait till the ps3 drops and its jsut old boring thing. Who cares about blue-ray.... So ya... It would make a BIG HUGE difference and probably a good sale. (NOT AS GOOD AS THE WII MUHAHAHAHAHA) oky sorry..
yeah, blu-ray is for the games too. Thats why they are so hi-res. I always thought ps2 games were blu-ray because they are blue on the bottom, but it is for copy protection.
All PS3 games are Blu-Ray discs, there for needing the Blu-Ray player to play the games. Nice idea, but I dont think its possible.
ssbb_lover said:
No, I think it's just a DVD player....not sure though, if anyone could confirm that blu-ray does more than just play DVD's, that would be great. :)

Like they said in the above posts yes the games are blu-ray discs. A blu-ray disc can hold a large amount of information. I'm not sure of how much but it has 5-8 times more space then a normal Wii disc.
ssbb_lover said:
I thought of one way that Sony might actually be making some money right now and selling more consoles (which goes w/out saying)....they should have made the option of being able to buy the PS3 w/ or w/out the blu ray! It's just a DVD player, right? Well i've heard of ppl not buying the PS3 because its got this useless DVD player, but saying that they'd buy one if it didn't have the DVD player!

Do you guys think Sony would be more successful right now if it wasn't for the blu-ray?

DVD and blu-ray are very different.
Yes that could be the reason for those ridiculous up prices, no way i could pay 600 for one of those.

I'll take my 250 wii any day

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