Kill the person above you thread

A monkey shoves a stick of dynamite down your throat and then farts in your face untill the gases ignite the dynamite killing you and the monkey:lol:
chakat assasain! said:

*throw you up in the air with a bazooka, the the rocket explodes over a forest. then the ice cream man starts selling cherry snow cones* YAY!!

but then i come back to life for no aparent reson and we eat sno cones together and we become business partness, and while we were drunk we desided to invest in the PS3, because on this we are now homeless, so I was taken in by penguins... so I lived with penguins... and you lived with... little woodland creatures... and then... ummm... Yeah I should probably shut up now... but first...

*gets in an invincibale bubble so no one in anyway shape or form can hurt me*

lolz I was PREPARED! :D

(you can't get to me, no matter what!)
ill choke u with my wii nunchuck and stab u to death with my
you died from me chopping off ur ears with a katana and then taking a javeline and throwing it and it punctures ur splein and thennnnnnn i curb stomp you and use your teeth as a necklace for my dog and then i poop on your grave.
i killed you from an interrigation gone wrong, i slap you, you dont say any thing i kick you in face, what happens, nothing, so i felt you were useless and played with you for abit by causing more painby shooting you in the knees, shoulders, then the back of the head!!!:devil:

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