Kill the person above you thread

you are locked up in a freezing room with water being sprayed everywhere. you try to get the key but it is incased in an ice block and you cant melt it. but you try anyways and the little bit of water on your hand gets stuck to the ice and you pull and pull to get it off untill you rip the skin off the bottom of your hand and the pain is to much to handle so you wishyou can die so what happens an angel restores you to perfect health and you continue life as normal but your wish has come to kill you as you so wanted to happen. the devils hand comes out of a eerie dark hole and pulls you under and throws you into the firey depths of hell!!! baisically you burn to death!!!:devil: wahahahahahahahaaaa!!!!
Simply walks up behind you and shoots you in the back of the head, and then I dissapear forever, so you can't kill me, you kill the person who last posted above me instead...again...mufahahaha
gotta be creative on this one... i got it1
i said i cannot die so my remains comes back and haunts your dreams. and every night the dream becomes worse until i eventually come back all shadowy like with a dark purple flume and glow arould me. i attack with my razor sharp finger nails*---*slit your wrists*---*rip your tendons out in your legs so you cant run*---*finally i stab you in the neck 20 times until you bleed to death!!!*no one shall kill me, i will always be back, hahaha!
lol dude if you read my post, then youd know that you just killed your self, lol.......nice die of embarassment
just die.....i guess i don't care about my brother, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH F****** WWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!! You just die so i guess bye bye
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Pushies you off as well
i kik ur ass in msc but you then go into the game and mario kiks ur head into electric fences round the side and you get sucked into the hole in the middle of the "dump" level
i throw wii out of window and in an attempt to save it, you dive out and crack your head on a peanut

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