Kill the person above you thread

Wario, were gonna play a game, and a fun game at that, i put you in a death trap, unless your friend can find the key and unlock the spinning lock this machine will see how far your arms can really twist, but thats not all after that theres also the walls that close in on you and your friend as time go's down so wario your game begins now!
oh... warios dead... oh well... packman you die from shock of you opening your mom's bedroom door and finding me on top of her.
im zombie wario and u all died from me eating ur brains and u all become my slave zombies BAHAHAHAHA
Face it you guys love my long detaild ways of tormenting and torchering people, i love it!
thats disgusting, ohh well for that you must die!!!i kill your mom and dad by shoving a shotgun barrel up their asses then i pull the trigger which causes you to scream and i cut off your toungue so i dont have to hear all the bulls**t, then i reach down into your neck and rip out your lungs from the bronchial tube so you cant breath then i shove my other hand through your hart and join hans with my other hand, pull up and rips you into two peices! hahahahahahahaaaaa!:devil: what can i say its my job, someone has to do it right!
oh yeah, i force you to drink a hell of alot of orange juice and i duck tape your mouth shut so you cant spit it out. then i make you sneeze while covering your nose and all of the orange juice comes back up with no way out except the eyes. your eyes are all red with orange juice running down them and you die instantly from the pressure release!
1 nike would do it unless your bringing down the earth with me!

i tear off your face and burn the rest of it so you look horrible and grousome. so when you go outside or if people see you all they see is this nofaced peice of s**t and they run away with a horrible scream. as the days go by the face becomes infected and begins to become rotten and bugs come out of your face. a little later it takes over your body and has no more energy to stand up that you just die on the spot:sick: ! curse those evile ways of the undead!
bananaphone plays in your head too much and you go crazy and jump off empire state buildings mast
The game you are playing takes you in to it and you cant move at all. a while later after being alone in a dark grave yard, your little brother grabs the game controller and dosnt know how to play the game so he just pushes buttend and wonders around. eventually he gets bored of the game and turns it get the picture right:sick:
best fate ever tht

uhh you become a borrower and you live like 1 4 ages then soneone left a fan on and you go flying out o window and drown in a pond
hahaha! im immortal i can never die!!!!

you were playing zelda twilight princess and the wii remote turned into a real sword thus it weighing like 50 pounds made you drop it on your foot instantly cutting it off. you pass out for a couple of days. you wake up after hearing a _______/\_/\_______/\____/|_______________________________________!
when you stand up nobody is there. you go down the hall to the next doctors one is there. you peer out the window completly empty no cars in the streets no one walking on the sidwalks. you feel cold. then you hear a scream and some gun shots. you leave the room and theres a friggin zombie yes a zombie how origional and its staring at starts to talk"habout a spot a tea sir" and you start running and slip on syringes and die(-_-) the zombie drinks your blood how civilized!!!
the talking zombie again appears in front of you with some tea and asks you if youd like some you scream with the high pitched squeel and it breaks the tea cup thus making the zombie friggin mad as hell cause all it likes is tea so it leeches on to you and sucks out your blood like a vampire zombie thing what are they called vampie or zombire or something like that which leaves you with an open cavity. your already dead but it crawls inside you and kills everyone else in the world so they think you did it and bring shame upon you! you die having everyone hate you!!!! hahaha!

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