Kill the person above you thread

My stomach fluids spill onto the earth, slowly dissolving into the core. Once there, it sturts dissolving the core, causing a huge vaccumm, suking the moon to earth, shattering the earth and everyone on it, except me, cause I got out of the matrix. (And I drank some red potion to heal my stomach)
JT. says:
My stomach fluids spill onto the earth, slowly dissolving into the core. Once there, it sturts dissolving the core, causing a huge vaccumm, suking the moon to earth, shattering the earth and everyone on it, except me, cause I got out of the matrix. (And I drank some red potion to heal my stomach)

you explode because the potion you drank was poison gunpowder and acid.
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  • #739
The acid splatters all over you
Imsafe in my predator hunter armor
Plus it makes me look cool
a monkey decides to take his monkey hat and smothe you with is, then he takes £1 out of your wallet and does a dance till the music stops
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  • #742
The monkey gets the G-virus and tears you a new one

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