just bought godfather and blazing angels

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  • #76
RivalDestiny said:
lol, I was going to buy this game, but after reading that i now have to think twice before i buy it. One think i HATE about the wii is that it gets mixed reviews. Probably the only game that doesn't is zelda. ugh, time to rent this game at BlockBuster.


come on would ANYONE judge a zelda game for nintendo? lol didnt think so

deff rent it and see if you like it, i really dont. im just totally hooked on godfather. im going to try 2 player with my other half soon so ill let you know
The_Loose_Cannon said:
i ment to tell everyone, i hate blazing angels like ALOT

nothing worth saying except just that- maybe it will be better when i got time to do 2 player

I told you that you would, but women never listen. Go to EB and get it shrink wrapped, then exchange it for Vanguard.
Kamikaze said:
I told you that you would, but women never listen. Go to EB and get it shrink wrapped, then exchange it for Vanguard.

I heard blazing angels were cool, but vanguard sucked too short was the main reason and second controls
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yeah i read someones thread on MOHV and they said it sucked and that it was extreamly short.

im just going to keep the game since money isnt that big of a deal and i really dont care if i play the game or not. i have friends over almost all the time so if they wanna play it, its all them.

this weekend im getting cookoff mamma and MOHV (my bf was flip floping between the 2 as i mentioned before). if i see anything else that comes out and it looks good then ill snag it.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
yeah i read someones thread on MOHV and they said it sucked and that it was extreamly short.

im just going to keep the game since money isnt that big of a deal and i really dont care if i play the game or not. i have friends over almost all the time so if they wanna play it, its all them.

this weekend im getting cookoff mamma and MOHV (my bf was flip floping between the 2 as i mentioned before). if i see anything else that comes out and it looks good then ill snag it.

Or you can wait until the end of the month and get Scarface.
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  • #82
Kamikaze said:
Or you can wait until the end of the month and get Scarface.

nahhh not my thing. i was never a scarface fan really.
next on my list (if I can ever take myself away from playing Godfather) is either Splinter Cell or Prince of Persia. I know they are ports of games already released but who cares. I certainly dont. I never got around to playing them when they first came out and until something comes out that really rocks then I'll go back to these games. Hitman would be a good game to buy if they ever bring it out for the wii, as would a star wars jedi game.

anyways...back to Godfather - have now gained control of Little Italy after taking out the last of the hubs in the nearby area. There is only one more hub and thats owned by the Cuneo's bottom left out in the middle of nowhere. I gained 20,000 respect points for taking out a hub and 50,000 respect points for gaining control of an area which bumped my respect level up a lot. I've got just under $200k in cash and I'll also take out the last hub in Little Italy so that it is totally under my control and then wreak some more havoc in Brooklyn. weaken the tattaglia family while I'm at it.

Its all good hahah :D
Stallyon said:
next on my list (if I can ever take myself away from playing Godfather) is either Splinter Cell or Prince of Persia. I know they are ports of games already released but who cares. I certainly dont. I never got around to playing them when they first came out and until something comes out that really rocks then I'll go back to these games. Hitman would be a good game to buy if they ever bring it out for the wii, as would a star wars jedi game.

anyways...back to Godfather - have now gained control of Little Italy after taking out the last of the hubs in the nearby area. There is only one more hub and thats owned by the Cuneo's bottom left out in the middle of nowhere. I gained 20,000 respect points for taking out a hub and 50,000 respect points for gaining control of an area which bumped my respect level up a lot. I've got just under $200k in cash and I'll also take out the last hub in Little Italy so that it is totally under my control and then wreak some more havoc in Brooklyn. weaken the tattaglia family while I'm at it.

Its all good hahah :D

Dont get splinter cell...its awfully boring..
ottoman said:
Dont get splinter cell...its awfully boring..

oh....and i thought it would be good....but then i'm into games where you sneak about undetected....Thief was a similar game and that rocks also
Stallyon said:
oh....and i thought it would be good....but then i'm into games where you sneak about undetected....Thief was a similar game and that rocks also

Unfortunately, im not all that into Splinter cell...i find it really boring, and the sneaking around in the game gets old fast. i like games like godfather where you can sneak up behind someone and do an execution, or do a drive by, or maybe just a full of boxing match.

In SC, its just about shooting people when they arent looking...
Gamespot gave Godfather a 7.6 and IGN a 8, well I don't have the game, and don't know if I want to buy it, but is it really worth it?? I've seen some clips and grafics seemed a bit low, but the gameplay looked cool.
its definatley worth it, the graphics are fine and the gameplay is awesome.

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