just bought godfather and blazing angels


I got The Godfather today!!! Eventually..I went into the city to buy it and then as soon as I saw the cover I noticed it was an 18, and I'm 16 -_- So yeah..pointless day in the city.. but then my sister bought it for me in my town so...:D

Well the battery acid leaked inside my wii the other day and now the - button doesn't work, so when it came to using that on the game I had to switch it off :(

Have to wait until 2moro now to borrow a spare controller for the boyf
i got it today too. I played a little until the Yankees came on ( and won!!!) but i didnt like the fact you have to go to a safehouse to save the game.. i quit in the middle b/c i wanted to watch the game and couldnt find the safehouse. Is there a differnt way to save the game instead of going to a safehouse??
Wiitime said:
i got it today too. I played a little until the Yankees came on ( and won!!!) but i didnt like the fact you have to go to a safehouse to save the game.. i quit in the middle b/c i wanted to watch the game and couldnt find the safehouse. Is there a differnt way to save the game instead of going to a safehouse??

I wondered this..it was a pain. Now I have to go back and do loads again..

I don't think there's another way to save it, sadly :(
that stinks, if i am in a rush and have to leave, i cant finish or save it..
Wiitime said:
that stinks, if i am in a rush and have to leave, i cant finish or save it..

Same here, that's what happened earlier.

Brought the game home, got changed ready to go working in my fathers field, was on there for about 15 minutes then my sister started calling me to say we were leaving.

Great stuff..got back from the field then had to do it all again -_-
Wiitime said:
i got it today too. I played a little until the Yankees came on ( and won!!!) but i didnt like the fact you have to go to a safehouse to save the game.. i quit in the middle b/c i wanted to watch the game and couldnt find the safehouse. Is there a differnt way to save the game instead of going to a safehouse??
I originally thought it would auto save after each mission (i never read instruction books). I played for an hour before turning off the Wii and going out to find that when i got back i had to start all over again. Didnt bother me too much though as i did better the second time around.

I think the only answer is to buy a few safe houses across the city, ive bought 3 in different areas so i dont have to travel too far to save.
once you get more into the game, the safehouse becomes easier and easier to find, youll be surprised how quickly you can get to it some times.

Although i would have liked anohter type of Save option...
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i think i have an advantage-

i know little italy like the back of my hand :p
Scofco said:
I think I even like this game more than GTA.
I had low expectations for it too.


My character looked similar to that, except the skin was a bit darker and he had a soul patch with a mafia style hat.
I am getting it this weekend :).

I watched a few vids on it. looks sweet.
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i ment to tell everyone, i hate blazing angels like ALOT

nothing worth saying except just that- maybe it will be better when i got time to do 2 player
lol, I was going to buy this game, but after reading that i now have to think twice before i buy it. One think i HATE about the wii is that it gets mixed reviews. Probably the only game that doesn't is zelda. ugh, time to rent this game at BlockBuster.


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