just bought godfather and blazing angels

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you know as i was pasting this to another member who neglected to use the search bar, i forgot to tell everyone about blazin angels

i personally think its ok, the graphics are alright although it IS slow as hell to watch and it is rather nifty to actually fly it with the wii remotes and shoot down the germans :)

my bf is obsessed but ill stick with the godfather :)
Hey Cannon, question. I just got Godfather for Easter and I was wondering how the hell do I get to Brooklyn. I have to go there to meet someone and I am completely lost. I have tried all these different roads and nothing works.

Please help and I'll rep you.
TLC isn't on so.. what the hell I'll help.

Try pausing the game and going to 'Map', there's a little white triangle to show where you are, and you should be able to see Brooklyn on there somewhere, hope this helps :)
Godfather game is good ****. I can't stop playing. EA has been doing a great job with the wii. Im also a big fan of their other title, Need for speed Carbon.
Thanks surfin, it helped, but I still cant get there because I need to cross the Manhattan Bridge to get there and I have no idea how to get to that.
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mosx said:
Thanks surfin, it helped, but I still cant get there because I need to cross the Manhattan Bridge to get there and I have no idea how to get to that.

pshhh rach tried to steal my rep point! lol :)

ok mosx, im familiar with NYC so i have the upper hand in the game (however most of the tunnels werent arround back in the late 1930s!! :yikes: some tid bit information for ya! lol)

what you need to do is pause the game like rach said. you have to meet clamenza at his house in brooklyn. to get from little italy to brooklyn is quite simple (although now in NYC, its anything but!!!) check the map and it will show you "blinking" and then there will be a blue "dot" if you will in the vacinity of brooklyn. just look on the bottom right to "clarifiy" that youre going the right way. usually it will be "north" on the map. just keep going up and then take the manhatten bridge until you hit brooklyn. if you go too far up, youll be near hells kitchen and you dont want to deal with any of that until you take over little italy and get further in the game.

just always go to your map. its really easy just follow the instructions :)
The_Loose_Cannon said:
just always go to your map. its really easy just follow the instructions :)

i totally agree TLC - always always always check your map. it will come as a big help later on in the game when you need to cross NYC in 4 minutes flat (TLC - bet this cant be done IRL???)

I've done about 60% of the missions, completed hits on most of the rival family members, taken over Little Italy and Brooklyn totally and have been in more high speed getaways then i can remember :thumbsup:
Just got this game and am loving it. Like GTA, but with balls. Love the 'blackhand' motion controls, everything feels just right. And I LOVE the execution 'finishing' moves you can do with every weapon. (Especially the spade or shovel). Such a fun game and the motion controls DEFINATELY immerse you right into the gangster world.
I'll post a pic of my character soon, just need to fine tune his facial hair :p
I think some of the lo res textures spoil the overall loook of the game, but I spose beggars cant be choosers and otherwise I am very pleased with this title, a Wii must-have.
Deanis said:
And I LOVE the execution 'finishing' moves you can do with every weapon. (Especially the spade or shovel).

if you think the spade execution move is good then try the golf club....shouting fore at the screen just before performing it always makes me chuckle :D
AGH! >.<

Was just playing The Godfather and I had just done a mission and there was a cut scene, at the end it sorta froze a little, but I thought nothing of it, then the screen went black and I was expecting the next bit to come up but it didn't it stayed black, and a loud beeping noise started.

The wii wouldn't turn off from the remote and nothing would work so I had to switch it off on the console.

I put it back on and it all seemed to work okay but like aghhhh I didn't get to save or anything, now I have to do it all again :(
lol, I never noticed the map there. I will add rep to each of you. Thanks guys.
i saw the movie on how the controls in the game work then i heard people saying it was great so i bought it and its brilliant the controls work perfectly

PROs: lots of things to do
a lot like GTA ( which is good )
good character voices
great gameplay

CONs: restarting the game to change your clothes
graphics could be a little better

overall this game is great but stupid little things just but the rating down a few bars
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con77 said:
i saw the movie on how the controls in the game work then i heard people saying it was great so i bought it and its brilliant the controls work perfectly

PROs: lots of things to do
a lot like GTA ( which is good )
good character voices
great gameplay

CONs: restarting the game to change your clothes
graphics could be a little better

overall this game is great but stupid little things just but the rating down a few bars

i have to learn to save my money and buy more safe houses cause i only have like 3 or so! arg!

the graphics can deff withstand to be better and a bit more intune with the film. ive found about 50 film to game mistakes!!!! oh and NYPD mistakes too but thats because back in 1939 they didnt have "sean bell cases" :sick:

i still love it though

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