i want to buy a new game

Marioman said:
Get super paper mario thats a great game and got great ratings
not nearly as goos as the last two paper marios. From all the action and adventure games you have get Prince of persia or Marvel Ultimate Alliance.

Edit: usually the first post would say "use the search, so many of these threads, look at what other people have been saying"

I wonder why nobody has said that
eh..... that would be good for jill,
shotgun, machine guns, grenades, what more can u ask for
MoH and COD3 are good,DBZ:BT2 or Mortal Kombat are also worth getting...id say strikers but your stuck with those daym poke-man things.
Just went out on my lunch break and bought my first Wii game. RE4 is what I decided on based on alot of people's positive reviews. Plus I was able to get it used for $30. Hope its as good as everyone says.
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well since this thread is about 2347213 years old lmao i already had red steel since new years, and i recently bought re4 when it came out, big brain academy, mario strikers and madden i pick up next week and also boogie.

:) im not hurting for games just yet haha
The_Loose_Cannon said:
well since this thread is about 2347213 years old lmao i already had red steel since new years, and i recently bought re4 when it came out, big brain academy, mario strikers and madden i pick up next week and also boogie.

:) im not hurting for games just yet haha

i have strikers and love it.. I cant wait for Madden. Madden will be awsome online. Ign loved the first one and everything has been updated with modes and the controls.. It will be awsome!
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Wiitime said:
i have strikers and love it.. I cant wait for Madden. Madden will be awsome online. Ign loved the first one and everything has been updated with modes and the controls.. It will be awsome!

stikers kicks ass but i suck ass lol theres a difference but i still like the game

madden is gunna be friggen amazing. NYJ FTW!!! ill be at their first preseason home game against the falcons this friday! yay!!

ill also be at the patriots game

i got season tickets to all their home games on the 45 yard line DONT HATE BITCHES!! <3333

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