
Actually it isn't
Plays every film format (except DVD but that'd be silly carting disc's around)
Games with psx like graphics
Mini SD cards (cheap)
Mp3/WMA files
Good qual camera (films to)
It wasn't free for the bloke that had it last (£200)(hes got one of them lobster phones that he hates)

And dont triple post the edit buttons there for a reason
wiivader said:

The only cool this i liked about this phone is the auto screen switcher when you tilt it. otherwise i am better off with my Windows Mobile Phone and the ones HTC is planning to bring out.

Touch screen that this one has is not an Apple Patent. this was already done by an NYU geek. look here. Multi Touch and

here too... Did apple do a Microsoft on Jeff???:aureola:

I have cingular and i prefer a WM5 devices so that i can run all my apps (Word, Excel, PP) - go ahead M$ haters - flame.....:ihih:

BTW... i guess we need to move on to Wii realted stuff.


Master Wii said:
I won't flame you but, you can definately run all of those programs on an Apple. This new device will also run them.

Well, if you won't flame him then I will, though not for the reason he thinks. He thinks we'd flame him for being a M$ user, but the real reason we'd flame him is for not knowing something that a good number of people already know and should know, which is Mac has had the Microsoft Office Suite (which includes Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) since 1993!!! Source

It just kills me when people say I stick with Windoz because I know my apps will work. The truth is, Macs can run about three times as many apps as WindozXp because with the new intel macs, they run all three major operating systems (Windows, Linux, and of course, Mac OS X) either natively via Boot Camp, or all at the same time via Parallels Desktop.

As for running these on a smart-phone or the iPhone, while Word and PowerPoint might be nice (although Apple's iWork Suite which includes a better word processor and powerpoint app and soon, there will be a spreadsheet app as well), why would you ever want to use Excel on one?:wtf:
NateTheGreat said:

Well, if you won't flame him then I will, though not for the reason he thinks. He thinks we'd flame him for being a M$ user, but the real reason we'd flame him is for not knowing something that a good number of people already know and should know, which is Mac has had the Microsoft Office Suite (which includes Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) since 1993!!! Source

It just kills me when people say I stick with Windoz because I know my apps will work. The truth is, Macs can run about three times as many apps as WindozXp because with the new intel macs, they run all three major operating systems (Windows, Linux, and of course, Mac OS X) either natively via Boot Camp, or all at the same time via Parallels Desktop.

As for running these on a smart-phone or the iPhone, while Word and PowerPoint might be nice (although Apple's iWork Suite which includes a better word processor and powerpoint app and soon, there will be a spreadsheet app as well), why would you ever want to use Excel on one?:wtf:

Dude.. we are talking about a phone not a Mac...

And iWork suite is not yet announced for the iphone.
I'm excited for the iPhone.
I love my iPod.
and I really want a Mac.
I love everything about them.
wiivader said:
Dude.. we are talking about a phone not a Mac...

And iWork suite is not yet announced for the iphone.
Duddde the phone is going to have a form of OS X on it!! Deeeer.
lol anyone here the cingular spokeperson? they said that "bad guys" might try to unlock the cell from to bring it to another GSM carrier, lmao, yes were such "bad guy" becuase we have legal right to unlock it, no matter how hard u try, i am not use the iphone on cingular
I honestly don't know why people hate Cingular as much as they do. I've used:


And now Cingular for the last 3 years. To be honest, the service i've had with Cingular vs. the rest of those has been bar-none better. I'm sure people have had worse luck than I have, but honestly ... Cingular is by far the largest subscriber and most popular. I don't know what makes some people hate them.
Sounds like a PS3 thing. ;) ($499 or $599....)

Don't think i'll be getting this....a little pricey....:lol:
Wii-bert said:
you don't even have $500. Thats why you are hating
Damn, I wish I were ignorant enough to assume how much money someone has.
For your information; though, truth be told, it's none of your business nor my job to explain how one goes about getting a job and earning some money; far be it from me to resist bashing some dumbass; I could easily afford three of the stupid phones. Easily.

Ignorance: It makes smart people feel better about themselves.
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