
NateTheGreat said:
Yeah, I'm sure your phone does absolutely everything the iPhone does x100. No point in giving credit to a good looking, easy to use, innovative product.:rolleyes:

Gosh, I'm glad I'm not an Apple-hater.

My phones small

Not a apple hater
there yumy

A lad at work is gona get one (but he buys any new phone that comes out)

(and he buys games just becuase of the girl on the box)
Redan499 said:
I havent ever been a fan of apple and this is even more of a reason not to be. Phone looks like ass and they released it for the shittiest provider. why not go with verizon?

Cingular is the most popular provider, so they went with that. =p Glad I have Cingular. ^__^
iPhone...the bastard child of the old iPod nano and a phone. This is nothing revolutionary. :zzz:
Shahzam said:
Cisco owns the patent to "iPhone" so it wont be called iPhone. I got that from digg. And I still have a Moto ROKR which has an iPod built in.

Lol the ROKR sucks compared to an ipod or this new ipod phone. You have an mp3 phone which most people today have.

The new phone from apple is sooooo much more !! Don't fool yourself
There geting sued over the name (herd on radio to lazy to google)
ive always told myself ill get a phone when a really cool one comes out, this seems to be the one

The only cool this i liked about this phone is the auto screen switcher when you tilt it. otherwise i am better off with my Windows Mobile Phone and the ones HTC is planning to bring out.

Touch screen that this one has is not an Apple Patent. this was already done by an NYU geek. look here. Multi Touch and

here too... Did apple do a Microsoft on Jeff???:aureola:

I have cingular and i prefer a WM5 devices so that i can run all my apps (Word, Excel, PP) - go ahead M$ haters - flame.....:ihih:

BTW... i guess we need to move on to Wii realted stuff.
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wiivader said:
I have cingular and i prefer a WM5 devices so that i can run all my apps (Word, Excel, PP) - go ahead M$ haters - flame.....:ihih:

I won't flame you but, you can definately run all of those programs on an Apple. This new device will also run them.
I'm waiting until the iso pod sues them over the name I pod
Darkprinny said:
Wow thats dear
my phone (cs500) free + 2gig mem (can get higher) £20 + freeware media player = a lot cheaper than that
whats your point, your phone is probably a piece of crap. It was free afterall. I don't know why you are even comparing your crap free phone with the iPhone

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