
Master Wii said:
499$ 4GB model
599$ 8GB model

Wow thats dear
my phone (cs500) free + 2gig mem (can get higher) £20 + freeware media player = a lot cheaper than that
Master Wii said:
Actually the price has been announced and so has a date.

499$ 4GB model

599$ 8GB model

So no, it's not a concept and it is a breakthrough piece of equipment. There are over 200 new patents into that one device. It should be available Cingular exclusive around June.

nice, any UK details?
release dates?
Looks great, great features, though will it stand general wear and tear using it as a phone. Many complaints about a nano scratching, looks like a similar thing, though it does look like its aimed at the american market.
My phone does all of that, but the iPhone is more...organised. Did you see the text messaging? It shows all the text messages as if it were in a chat box. And for group calling, it shows a list of who you're talking with. The touch screen is realy nice, and it's always good to have a bigger screen. My phone has music, but it's only 512MB. 8GB would be amazing. @____@

In other words, I want that NOW. o___o
Ohmigawd, a touchscreen smart-phone. How do you do it Apple? You're so witty and innovative...

Yea, that's totally worth my $500.
Darkprinny said:
Wow thats dear
my phone (cs500) free + 2gig mem (can get higher) £20 + freeware media player = a lot cheaper than that
Yeah, I'm sure your phone does absolutely everything the iPhone does x100. No point in giving credit to a good looking, easy to use, innovative product.:rolleyes:

Gosh, I'm glad I'm not an Apple-hater.
I havent ever been a fan of apple and this is even more of a reason not to be. Phone looks like ass and they released it for the shittiest provider. why not go with verizon?
Redan499 said:
I havent ever been a fan of apple and this is even more of a reason not to be. Phone looks like ass and they released it for the shittiest provider. why not go with verizon?
Maybe because verizon is cruddy too. They picked the most popular provider, go figure.

Personally though, while I look forward to higher capacity future versions of this (like a 60GB version for oh, $300), I'm completely f***ing sick and tired of cell phone companies with their idiotic, overpriced plans and contracts and charges!!!:mad5: I don't know who the hell they think they are! Let me pick the phone I want to use, let me use the things I want to use (web-browsing, instant messaging, etc) and make and receive calls without worrying about how many minutes I have left. Why can't there just be wifi everywhere, so we could use things like those skype phones and now this iPhone and one reasonable monthly price, say $20.

Sorry, rant over. Just seems like were getting so ripped off by these fat companies and it ticks me off.:incazzato:

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