
I don't understand what's with all the hating.

Anyone that actually reads up on all the features on this phone will clearly realize this is a one of a kind device.

This phone truely will revolutionize the way phones are made.
Kedarshashi said:
by looks but then again looks can be deciving
why do you persist on posting random crap...
It's about quality of posts, not quantity.

The Zune doesn't even work with Vista properly, what a waste of time.

You can be sure that this product will be built securely, ever dropped an iPod on the floor? i have 3 or 5 times, and it still works fine :D
-prods LG C1500- It makes calls.
-prods iRiver H10- It plays music.
-prods Canon Powershot A520- It takes pictures.
-prods computer- It does just about everything else.

I don't really need a new phone D:
Though I wish Cingular could get reception inside my school ><
They get it everywhere else but there! Blast!

But hey, pretty nice phone for thos who can churn out the cash and don't have a camera/mp3 player/computer o:
Trulen said:
But hey, pretty nice phone for thos who can churn out the cash and don't have a camera/mp3 player/computer o:
I'm fairly certain anyone with $500 to blow on a phone already has all those necessities.
Gaz said:
why do you persist on posting random crap...
It's about quality of posts, not quantity.

The Zune doesn't even work with Vista properly, what a waste of time.

You can be sure that this product will be built securely, ever dropped an iPod on the floor? i have 3 or 5 times, and it still works fine :D

My iPod has gone through the washer machine, and still works perfectly fine. xD
Just thought those of you interested in the iPhone would enjoy this video.

Also, all of you haters out there should watch it as well, doesn't matter what you say, this phone truely is revolutionary.


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I have watched the keynote speech regarding Apples' future wizardry and was very impressed...not sure who will release in UK, although if it's Vodaphone..I think I'll wait for the sim free version!

Anyway back to the point in hand, whilst Jobs was positively creaming his pants over the iPhone, I believe it's called "Tech-nography":smilewinkgrin: - when he rang the Apple bods in the audience to arrange dinner as a demonstration - why were they using Motorola Razrs.......? If you have the technology to produce a phone [sic]5 years ahead of it's time, couldn't they have afforded to make 3 units for the keynote speech.......hmmmmm suspicious!!
Rolex said:
I have watched the keynote speech regarding Apples' future wizardry and was very impressed...not sure who will release in UK, although if it's Vodaphone..I think I'll wait for the sim free version!

Anyway back to the point in hand, whilst Jobs was positively creaming his pants over the iPhone, I believe it's called "Tech-nography":smilewinkgrin: - when he rang the Apple bods in the audience to arrange dinner as a demonstration - why were they using Motorola Razrs.......? If you have the technology to produce a phone [sic]5 years ahead of it's time, couldn't they have afforded to make 3 units for the keynote speech.......hmmmmm suspicious!!

:wtf: what makes that suspicious? and suspicious of what, that it's fake? lol

As far as a sim free version, thats highly unlikely for atleast a long while.
Yeah I mean why would you put a 45 minute ta-daa presentation about a phone that will change the way we communicate - and ring your buddy from the same company also demonstrating a phone which will change the way we communicate and then ring another buddy from....well you get the idea LOL. and NOT use the same phone which will......sod it I'm off to the pub... :eek:ut:
Rolex said:
Yeah I mean why would you put a 45 minute ta-daa presentation about a phone that will change the way we communicate - and ring your buddy from the same company also demonstrating a phone which will change the way we communicate and then ring another buddy from....well you get the idea LOL. and NOT use the same phone which will......sod it I'm off to the pub... :eek:ut:
They were trying to show iPhone can make and receive calls to/from normal phones. That wasn't a faked call. He was actually calling both of them. He was trying to show iPhone is essentially completed and that it was being released in June because of production/testing/FCC authorization. Also, thinking more about it, they could rightly be afraid the guys Jobs called in the audience might get mugged; they were surrounded by millions of mac-lovers.
I did pick up on that Nate - My point really was that - why not demonstrate the phone with 2 out of the 3 at least - it just seemed strange not to showcase it even more during the showcase considering Jobs practically shoved it down his pants...?!

If Mac fans were that desperate they could have just smashed the case of the one on display.

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