International Coffee Day

This is no mere "thread".
It's the recognition of internet society at the awe-inspiring power that only coffee can provide.
You cannot revive what cannot die.
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  • #63
FOOL! COFFEE NEEDS NO BUMP! It is both omnipotent and ubiquitous. Those it touches become a part of it; and likewise, it is a part of them. One petty thread in the name of coffee could never start nor end the subject of coffee. In fact, the proof lies in the java; you, once not of the caffeine faith, are here now after beginning to drink this forbidden bean. Coffee cannot die, for it lives in all of us and beyond. You cannot revive what lives in permanence.

But coffee still thanks you for the revive, Nick. :p
Coffee is my morning it's also my lunch drink and my dinner drink
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  • #65
I'd also drink coffee so frequently if it weren't for my horrid insomnia. Tea 'round the night for me.

I, WiiChat's resident tiger shark, will try it. [strike]No, not including the can...[/strike]
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  • #74
You're not cool enough t' be a shark, you're a garbage disposal. :trollkarp:

Where're you gonna get some?

At least it's not Starbucks. Surely this deserves more of a chance.

A valid point. If I can find a shady back-alley joint that actually sells somethin' like it, I'd certainly give it a taste.

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