International Coffee Day

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^^^ PG tips promotes additional ingredients to tea. I do not approve.

I'm a radical purist when it comes to drinks: my coffee black, my tea not instant, etc. A true connoisseur of fine tea and coffee knows that the delicate flavor of a proper tea, and the robust bitterness of a quality coffee is better off without any of that garbage.

Not that I'm saying anyone's tastes are rubbish if they don't drink 'em plain, 'course. My (pointless) point is that you're not buying the quality stuff if you need to put anything in it. :p
So wait, If I drink a ton of tea, the only thing that will happen is me having to pee really bad. And with coffee its the same way but ill also be on an energy rush and my breath will smell and Ill have kinda stained teeth ?
YEH but i Prefer Coffee Tea i don't like the flavor of it unless if it is Fruit Flavor teas :wink: Now where talking :yesnod:
So wait, If I drink a ton of tea, the only thing that will happen is me having to pee really bad. And with coffee its the same way but ill also be on an energy rush and my breath will smell and Ill have kinda stained teeth ?

What the hell kind of coffee have you been drinking? That's never happened with full roast black coffee.

SSBfreakCK said:
I'm a radical purist when it comes to drinks: my coffee black, my tea not instant, etc. A true connoisseur of fine tea and coffee knows that the delicate flavor of a proper tea, and the robust bitterness of a quality coffee is better off without any of that garbage.
Absolutely. No added milk or any of that frappe crappe stuff they serve now.
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So wait, If I drink a ton of tea, the only thing that will happen is me having to pee really bad. And with coffee its the same way but ill also be on an energy rush and my breath will smell and Ill have kinda stained teeth ?

Tea generally contains caffeine as well, bro. It's not as much, but unless you've built up a huge tolerance to said caffeine, tea can do the same job coffee does: wake you up in the morning and get you going.

Not to mention tea is legitimately healthy. You wouldn't regret drinking tea in the long run, 'less the wives tale of getting bladder stones from drinking tea often is true... ugh. Coffee has suspected benefits that may or may not of been confirmed yet, but regardless of any improvements to your health, tea definitely wins in terms of how much.

Absolutely. No added milk or any of that frappe crappe stuff they serve now.

An internets for you, my good sir!

Absolutely. No added milk or any of that frappe crappe stuff they serve now.

Eeew raw tea

I would put a clip up here of Vivain from the Young ones eating raw tea, but I cant find it/be arsed
Raw tea? Never tried it, but pure black coffee works wonderfully.

But I do realize that Prinny's a part of the tea nation, and can only expect as such.
Raw tea? Never tried it, but pure black coffee works wonderfully.

But I do realize that Prinny's a part of the tea nation, and can only expect as such.
>Eat tea bag
Its raw tea.
Tea with out any extra ingredients
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teabag lol

God ****ing damnit, I knew that was coming eventually...

Raw tea? Never tried it, but pure black coffee works wonderfully.

Tea doesn't need additives and flavorings even more than coffee, IMO. The natural taste a properly cultivated and steeped tea is far better than the generic cheap tea people only drink because they're adding honey, milk or whatever. Coffee simply doesn't appeal to everyone with it's bitterness, but there absolutely is a tea for everyone, considering how many varieties of tea there are.

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