International Coffee Day

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^^^ Well, that was the list of benefits I was curious if it existed or not. Looks like I was right. :lol:

I put cream in it....

How much, is the better question...

I knew someone who put 10 spoonfulls of sugar in her coffee. It sickened me just to watch her take a sip... Gives me shivers thinkin' about it.

I dont think Ive had Starbucks yet.

Good, keep it that way. :lol: Tastes like the coffee mentioned above.

I already have.=P I believe you saw me and CK at the 'Foooooood!' thread.=)

And then I proved you wrong, ya fool. :p


YOU HAVE SULLIED THIS THREAD BY GROUPING US IN WITH THOSE FOOLS! D :< A coffee hater would never understand...
No lie, my poor friend. And since I'm using my Wii and cannot copy and paste you must go to the Food thread and know it's top badness.

P.S My Wii won't let me show the link!Dx

P.S.S Dang! CK post before me!
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P.S.S Dang! CK post before me!



Some coffee might speed ya up, King.
Ugh, coffee. The black substance that you poor souls drink. It's redundant. A fool's gold, if I may ask. Every year poor saps like YOU guys your body turns into somethingsomethingsomething---COFFEE FOOLS!=P Hahahah-er, as I was saying, you must stop the madness I tell you. Drink something else good to soothe those tastes buds, like, chocolate milk.=) A good source a Vitmn. D for those weak bones to build up. Energy in chocolate is also good.=) Drink c. milk. It's good.

Any minute now CK, Neo, and Assasin guy will feel angry, uproared by my comment. Typing away on their devices to repay their loyalty and duty to that repulsive, diabolical, coffee that once Starbucks came. So, my Users, as you can see Coffee has brainwashed you. Nothing good Coffeeeeee has done for you.

Read on my Users. Type away, but every type my comments will be in your head sayin' that coffee is bad. And you trying to say what's good.



^^^ Well, that was the list of benefits I was curious if it existed or not. Looks like I was right. :lol:

How much, is the better question...

I knew someone who put 10 spoonfulls of sugar in her coffee. It sickened me just to watch her take a sip... Gives me shivers thinkin' about it.

Good, keep it that way. :lol: Tastes like the coffee mentioned above.

And then I proved you wrong, ya fool. :p

YOU HAVE SULLIED THIS THREAD BY GROUPING US IN WITH THOSE FOOLS! D :< A coffee hater would never understand...

Umm....I put a fair amount in....

I dunno, I should actually try Starbucks before assuming it sucks.
Awesome thread!!! :p Coffee!!! I'm drinking a cup right now. Have been all day!

Percolators are the way to go, but the trick is to keep them very clean. In fact keep all your brewing supplies clean. Sadly, my Senseo just died. Get one! They're awesome and you can get a kit that lets you use any kind of coffee you like. Plus you can have almost boiling water any time you need it in just a minute for cup-o-noodles or tea.

My favorite brand - Chock full 'O Nuts. Kind of spendy, about $15 for a can, but worth it!

Boo Starbucks. lol whenever I go there (my gf makes me) I refuse to use their gay little portioning system and order "Ill have a large coffee please." Then they're always like "eeeeaah" (cannot translate this noise to text) "You mean Venti!" No, I want a large freaking coffee you dildo, now take my GD $10 for your overpriced, bowel enhancing beverages and Ill be on my way...
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Boo Starbucks. lol whenever I go there (my gf makes me) I refuse to use their gay little portioning system and order "Ill have a large coffee please." Then they're always like "eeeeaah" (cannot translate this noise to text) "You mean Venti!" No, I want a large freaking coffee you dildo, now take my GD $10 for your overpriced, bowel enhancing beverages and Ill be on my way...

A paragraph full of win (and truth...) if I've never seen one. :lol:

Percolators are the way to go, but the trick is to keep them very clean. In fact keep all your brewing supplies clean.

Absolutely. It's a shame how little of the world knows the delicious result of careful brewing in a percolator... But sadly, convenience takes priority over grandeur flavor in the modern world. =/

Speaking of convenience, who can't stomach instant coffee like me? ;_; The ****'s just such a huge step down from even Starbucks (that's saying something...), I refuse to drink it. You could hand me a $90 instant coffee pouch, and I'll assuredly decline. I'd rather dunk my face in a bucket of nigh-frozen water a few times to wake up in the morning than drink that putrid concoction.
A paragraph full of win (and truth...) if I've never seen one. :lol:

Haha Thanks :p

Absolutely. It's a shame how little of the world knows the delicious result of careful brewing in a percolator... But sadly, convenience takes priority over grandeur flavor in the modern world. =/

You know whats a shame? that I dont have one of these...

Speaking of convenience, who can't stomach instant coffee like me? ;_; The ****'s just such a huge step down from even Starbucks (that's saying something...), I refuse to drink it. You could hand me a $90 instant coffee pouch, and I'll assuredly decline. I'd rather dunk my face in a bucket of nigh-frozen water a few times to wake up in the morning than drink that putrid concoction.

You referring to freeze dried or those mixes? After my Senseo failed I did use up an old can of Folgers freeze dried and I kind of liked it. Cant stand those mixes tho bleh.
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  • #57
You referring to freeze dried or those mixes? After my Senseo failed I did use up an old can of Folgers freeze dried and I kind of liked it. Cant stand those mixes tho bleh.

I was referring to freeze dried, but I hate 'em both regardless. I generally don't like coffee unless it's freshly ground and brewed. :p Some brands I'll tolerate though like aforementioned Folgers, so long as it's not prepared by just dumping it in water... My hatred for instant coffee runs deep.

You know whats a shame? that I dont have one of these...

A shame both of us are burdened with... What's worse is I've never heard of these vacuum coffee makers. But it looks absolutely brilliant... With the way water vapor travels into the upper chamber, it looks like the method is a very thorough and even way to percolate coffee. Being how the science behind the vapor's timing for condensing back to water and traveling back down the filter seems surprisingly precise, I would imagine the result could be more bold than a percolator itself.

... What I'd do for one'a those. ;_; Hell, if I could find a good filter I'd make my own.
... What I'd do for one'a those. ;_; Hell, if I could find a good filter I'd make my own.

Haha well you can get them pretty easy. The one in the video is "Bodum Santos" and sells for $70 on Amazon but you can get cheaper models. I just cant justify another paraphernalia in my already overstuffed cabinets. Its gotten to the point that every time I get something new, something old has to go... And being made of glass, even tempered, it wont last long here... But you're right they are claimed by many to be the best.

I've had to use a coffee dripper for several weeks now. It does a rather decent job.

Nothing wrong with drippers but they can be tough to clean properly.
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Haha well you can get them pretty easy. The one in the video is "Bodum Santos" and sells for $70 on Amazon but you can get cheaper models.

I rarely buy things cheap unless they're intentionally disposable (especially not food and consumable-related products), and since I'm broke at the moment, it won't be too easy for me to snag one of those... ;_; I'll certainly find the money to get one in due time, but not any time soon sadly. :lol:

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