International Coffee Day

You're also the only one who likes dumb ol' Sableye.
You will wake up one day with the corpse of a Magikarp sewn to your face. In the middle of a cold aquarium filled with nothing but Feebas. And Stunfisk, which are in separate tanks, naturally. On the wall you will see "u foswa bro" written in blood. Magikarp blood.
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Your terrible taste in Pokemon has nothin' to do with coffee.
went to the store to buy lemons, saw those strange things. I shall obtain them shorty.
Best Lays are the spicy ones. Or anything that isn't the original ones.

Who goes to a store with the sole intent of getting lemons? Excluding the obvious Portal jokes.
I bought the chips. They actually do taste sort of like cappuccino, but they're not really that good imo.
Have you tried the Ketchup ones? Or Cheesy Garlic Bread? Why would they do that? How did they do that?

Isn't coffee day, everyday?

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