Hey do you think u can play SSBB with the wii remote & Nunchuck?

omg....for the millionth time...u can use all three contollers. cube, classic, and wiimote/nunchuck
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cannon said:
I have a feeling that you will be able to use the Wiimote and Nunchuck, I just think that they wont be motion sensitive. In other words you will have to use the buttons on the Wiimote to attack and the Joystick on the Nunchuck to move. That would make alot more sense. It wouldnt force user's to purchase another controller but it would still be implementing the Wii's base control system. I have no source for this as its purely an idea but i think it would work well.

You can use any controller you perfer using, but that only inlcudes GC Controller, Classic Controller, or the Wii-Mote and Nunchuck thats it!!!
Shoko said:
i say everyone should have gamecube controllers or at least a classic. i mean, if ur a smash bros fan, u most likely have a gamecube and melee anyway

I'm a smash bros fan. I use to have the original for the 64 but i sold that. So what ur saying is that smash bros fans should have a gc and melee. Wrong i dont have a gc and because of that i definantly dont have a gc controller. I have played melee many time before though. So anyway if you cant use the wimote and nunchuck for the game and if Nintendo doesnt include a usable controller with the game (at a lower price than buying the game and controller speratley) I am going to be freaking angry. Not that i wouldnt still buy the game and the controller. Like i just said i would be freaking angry.
whatthefreak said:
I'm a smash bros fan. I use to have the original for the 64 but i sold that. So what ur saying is that smash bros fans should have a gc and melee. Wrong i dont have a gc and because of that i definantly dont have a gc controller. I have played melee many time before though. So anyway if you cant use the wimote and nunchuck for the game and if Nintendo doesnt include a usable controller with the game (at a lower price than buying the game and controller speratley) I am going to be freaking angry. Not that i wouldnt still buy the game and the controller. Like i just said i would be freaking angry.
notice how i said "most likely".............
I imagine that anyone supporting the wiimote/nunchuck control scheme has never played SSB, both of the smash bros games so far have required pin point precision and timing, and frankly there's been no evidence for the wiimote to be up for that. Before i get some fanboy frothing at the mouth, the wiimote is a brilliant input device, but not for a game like smash brothers. Anyway ill leave you with a quote from Sakurai:

"We found that trying to implement too much motion-sensory functionality can get in the way of the game. We're looking at keeping the control simple, as it has been," said Sakurai. "The Wii hardware has sockets for the GameCube controller, too. So I'll just say now that you may not want to throw away your GCN controller yet."

Source: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/707/707504p1.html
Shoko said:
omg....for the millionth time...u can use all three contollers. cube, classic, and wiimote/nunchuck
Could you please post a reliable source for that ?
I have spent countless hours on a few of those sites and not one of them has concrete information about the controller scheme, Yes some of them have speculations about it but not any solid info

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