Hey do you think u can play SSBB with the wii remote & Nunchuck?

rockkybox said:
By the way any of you getting all eggy saying 'we shouldn't be forced to buy some GC controllers to play just one game (ssbb)' your not forced to! just dont buy it , god.

I'm not being eggy, and "just don't buy it?" This is the game pretty much everybody in this site is looking foward to the most. It could mean all the difference to the Wii.
Yes that is very true, hopefully they dont limit people to using just one controller type
FR. said:
I'm not being eggy, and "just don't buy it?" This is the game pretty much everybody in this site is looking foward to the most. It could mean all the difference to the Wii.

i totally agree
i wasnt aware that speed was an issue but its an interesting point to bring up

but their already games that use both so it doesnt prove anything

there few games that use both and hopefully this will be one of them

im sure fans of the old smash brother will like the gamecube controller
but personally im more excited about the wiimote

only time well tell so we will see

but choice is what i hope wins
I dont think its the point that they dont have them, its the point that they shouldnt be forced to buy them
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cannon said:
I dont think its the point that they dont have them, its the point that they shouldnt be forced to buy them

So how will they play?
And if they did play, what if using the GC controller was better than using the CC, or the Wii-mote and Nunchuck, what will they have to say about that, um that it was their fault for not buying what nintendo asked to buy!
I think that Nintendo should bundle a GC controller with it.
Because, they bundled a 40 dollar controller with Wii Play.

A 20 dollar controller won't be too ahrd to bundle in.
Especially since Brawl will be the Wii's "Halo" in terms of sheer numbers of copies sold. Anyone who isn't a casual gamer will buy Brawl. And casual gamers will be turned into non-casual gamers if they pick it up and enjoy it.

And about Wii and Nunchuck?
No. Freakin. Way.

You simply have to do so many things so quickly.

The next time you're playing a match with your friends, even on the medium-level... Listen to the sounds you're making. It's pretty much a machine-gun fire of clicking from a mixture of analog sticks being smashed side ot side, A buttons being pummeled, and the L and R buttons being mercilessly pounded.

It's not uncommon to have at least 7 buttons being pushed within a single second.

Might go something liek this:

Smash control stick right to run to opponent.
Let go of control stick to get to neutal position
Smash Control Stick right AND
press A button to smash opponent
Press L or R button AND
Smash control stick left or right to dodge opponent's attack
Smash control stick down, left or right AND
Press A button to smash your opponent.

All within a second. Anyone's who has played a heated match can agree that this pretty much happends in a second.
Don't think that's gonna happen. Are you tellin' me that if Nintendo sold Wii Play for $59.99 as a stand alone product you would buy it?

I know I would buy Wii Sports as stand alone product but not Wii Play and that's only if Wii Sports were sold for $49.99.

My point is Wii Play is totally different, Nintendo knew the game wouldn't sell on it's own that's why they bundled the Wii Remote with it and sold it for $64.99 as a value/budled game (remember Wii remote shortages, smart Nintendo very smart).

Where as Brawl is gonna sell on it's own no matter, even if people have to run out and buy and extra Classic Controller/Nunchuk or two. So in any case I don't think Nintendo is gonna bundle a GC or any controller with it. Besides if it does happen, Nintendo would only do if they saw fishes flying; they would of course bundle it with a Wii controller of some sort and not a Gamecube controller...

Just my thought, no flames please... Cause Bowser's kinda cheap in Mario Strikers Charged...
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i say everyone should have gamecube controllers or at least a classic. i mean, if ur a smash bros fan, u most likely have a gamecube and melee anyway
I'm a fan of Super Smash Brothers, but before the Wii came out, I wouldn't have bought a gc just to play it...i didn't even buy any of the last-gen consoles, I was waiting for the next gen!
I have a feeling that you will be able to use the Wiimote and Nunchuck, I just think that they wont be motion sensitive. In other words you will have to use the buttons on the Wiimote to attack and the Joystick on the Nunchuck to move. That would make alot more sense. It wouldnt force user's to purchase another controller but it would still be implementing the Wii's base control system. I have no source for this as its purely an idea but i think it would work well.

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