Hey do you think u can play SSBB with the wii remote & Nunchuck?

Celestial said:
I think it'll have to, unless they give a free controller with it.

Its called gamecube and classic controller. Im getting mixed messages here, you buy a kick-ass console like the wii, you get amazing controlles. Your not happy with the controlles. You can still play a butt-load of gamecube/classic controler games and your still not happy. If the controller bothers you people that much go play PS3's bent NES controller.
I have a magazine that clearly states that the wiimote wont be used. The game will either use a classic controller or a gamecube controller.
Well, after that satement, let's hope it's the GC controller. I prefer using it. :)
Speeder768 said:
That's crap.

Don't say that, how do you know for sure? The game's nowhere nere being released soon, so don't start making negative predictions.
if it's being produced for the wii then it should use the wii remote and nunchuk, unless they give a free gc controller with it.
wiiisawesome said:
if it's being produced for the wii then it should use the wii remote and nunchuk, unless they give a free gc controller with it.

Good point there, they can't assume that every Wii owner had a GC. If they think that then, well they are very wrong indeed. :yikes: :nono: :frown2:

EDIT: The smileys are directed at Nintendo, not wiiisawesome, so don't get all mad.
FR. said:
Good point there, they can't assume that every Wii owner had a GC. If they think that then, well they are very wrong indeed. :yikes: :nono: :frown2:

EDIT: The smileys are directed at Nintendo, not wiiisawesome, so don't get all mad.

i know i never had a GC, come to think of it, i never bought any of the last-gen consoles...lol at the smiley thing...
wate it uses the wiimote and num but ware are u people iam in niagara falls canada and its on the shelfs at my walmart
pinky said:
wate it uses the wiimote and num but ware are u people iam in niagara falls canada and its on the shelfs at my walmart

we are talking about SSBB are we not? it's not released yet, or else there would have been an announcement of some sort...
tank said:
Cyan, sometimes you need to wait more than 13 minutes for a response. Seriously

not that big of a deal, i dont understand the reason for bitching about things on these forums. which people tend to do so much.

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