Hey do you think u can play SSBB with the wii remote & Nunchuck?

cannon said:
I have a magazine that clearly states that the wiimote wont be used. The game will either use a classic controller or a gamecube controller.
what mag says that i hope thats not true

wiiisawesome said:
if it's being produced for the wii then it should use the wii remote and nunchuk, unless they give a free gc controller with it.

i totally agree i hope it uses both but it should at least use the wiimote/nunchuk

i dont even like gamecube controllers (i have 2)

but classic controllers dont play gamecube games
and i got some of those because their so cheap

i guess if it does use the gamecube controller it will b able 2 use the classic controller too

but hopefully it will play wiimote/nun as well

there already a bunch of games that use both wiimote/nun , gamecube and classic controllers so it wouldnt b a surprise if they did that
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illmasaki said:
what mag says that i hope thats not true

i totally agree i hope it uses both but it should at least use the wiimote/nunchuk

i dont even like gamecube controllers (i have 2)

but classic controllers dont play gamecube games
and i got some of those because their so cheap

i guess if it does use the gamecube controller it will b able 2 use the classic controller too

but hopefully it will play wiimote/nun as well

there already a bunch of games that use both wiimote/nun , gamecube and classic controllers so it wouldnt b a surprise if they did that
Yea, but one question wat is wrong wit the gamecube controller, i mean i dont see anything wrong wit it.
CyanRussel said:
Yea, but one question wat is wrong wit the gamecube controller, i mean i dont see anything wrong wit it.

well its not great for super mario world and a few other vc games but nothing is wrong with it its just a personal preference I guess
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its not great for super mario world and a few other vc games

Oh so u dont like it on VC, huh but on regular games not on VC, oh yea, now i kno wat u mean.
I dont like it either
gamecube games were designed for the button scheme on that controller but if their were other options (classic controller) that would be nice

cannon said:
You obviously didnt do much reading before the wii was released. Nintendo stated that not all games released for the wii will utilise the wiimote.
cannon said:
I have a magazine that clearly states that the wiimote wont be used. The game will either use a classic controller or a gamecube controller.

wow really where can u read this
what r ur sources (what magazine and when did nintendo stated that)
id like 2 read more about it
u seem 2 b in the know
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wiiisawesome said:
if it's being produced for the wii then it should use the wii remote and nunchuk, unless they give a free gc controller with it.
You obviously didnt do much reading before the wii was released. Nintendo stated that not all games released for the wii will utilise the wiimote.
cannon said:
You obviously didnt do much reading before the wii was released. Nintendo stated that not all games released for the wii will utilise the wiimote.
yeah and you obviously didn't give us a source for that...:rolleyes:
wiiisawesome said:
yeah and you obviously didn't give us a source for that...:rolleyes:

No need for that, Cannon get's his information right.
cannon said:
You obviously didnt do much reading before the wii was released. Nintendo stated that not all games released for the wii will utilise the wiimote.

i was merely disagreeing with nintendo's decision, who are you to tell me i didn't do my research/reading?! also a lot can change b/w production and release so they might just use the wiimote and nunchuk...
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CyanRussel said:
Yea, but one question wat is wrong wit the gamecube controller, i mean i dont see anything wrong wit it.

well some people, including me, never bought the GC and therefore, we don't have any GC controllers, we shouldn't be forced to buy some GC controllers to play just one game (ssbb) for the wii! if they do that, then that's just stupid!
wiiisawesome said:
well some people, including me, never bought the GC and therefore, we don't have any GC controllers, we shouldn't be forced to buy some GC controllers to play just one game (ssbb) for the wii! if they do that, then that's just stupid!

Exactly, as I said before, Nintendo can't assume that all Wii owners own a GC.
look the fact is that super smash bros is all about speed, and doing the montions will undoutebly be slower than pressing a button, also the gamecube controller could have been designed for smash bros, its perfect. To make the online fair they would have to standerdise the controller used anyway, one of them (GC CC or wiimote) will definetly be slower/faster than the others. By the way any of you getting all eggy saying 'we shouldn't be forced to buy some GC controllers to play just one game (ssbb)' your not forced to! just dont buy it , god.
rockkybox said:
look the fact is that super smash bros is all about speed, and doing the montions will undoutebly be slower than pressing a button, also the gamecube controller could have been designed for smash bros, its perfect. To make the online fair they would have to standerdise the controller used anyway, one of them (GC CC or wiimote) will definetly be slower/faster than the others. By the way any of you getting all eggy saying 'we shouldn't be forced to buy some GC controllers to play just one game (ssbb)' your not forced to! just dont buy it , god.

hmm...i do agree about the speed factor..
Who no's maybe nintendo will release a more basic controller and it may be bundled with the game. Its all a waiting game we have to be patient and see how it all unfold's.

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