Graphics Sub-section Petition!

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  • #46
wii_cammy said:
i got cred oh yes
dont worry i will pm everone for youse
you like me you really like me
I like you very much. :D

Look at all the names bolded in the OP....pretty much everyone wanting this thread has major cred. :)
My names down ,

I got forced to put my name down by wii_cammy lol :rolleyes:
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  • #48
lee.jarratt said:
My names down ,

I got forced to put my name down by wii_cammy lol :rolleyes:
Lee, my friend. :D

Got it down, thanks man.
ssbb_lover said:
Thanks so very much. :) I'm bolding everyone's name with over 500 posts, just to show they got cred. :p

Oh, and grats on your reviews section. :)

And ol'cpt over here isnt special anuff, i've only been here for a week or two and managed over 300 im proud :D jk :p, yeah good idea bold everyone's name who you think helped get people to sign or who has a big help to your little mission.

You might get lucky since ion is working on site so during his next test or update he might add the new sub forum.

put it in sigs maybe?
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  • #51
Cpt.McCloud said:
And ol'cpt over here isnt special anuff, i've only been here for a week or two and managed over 300 im proud :D jk :p, yeah good idea bold everyone's name who you think helped get people to sign or who has a big help to your little mission.

You might get lucky since ion is working on site so during his next test or update he might add the new sub forum.

put it in sigs maybe?
I just spawned an AWESOME idea. Everyone that makes sigs should make a "GFX SUB-FORUM" picture, i'll collect them all and send them to i0n. :) It'll show him how dedicated we are to getting this section.

lee.jarratt said:
Anything for you buddy :yesnod:
Two words and one smiley:

We tight. :)
erm yeah, it was my fault you thought of that! :D

boy i amaze myself sometimes. . . .

I don't see why a separate section would hurt anything, other than organizing random threads..... Maybe I could add a section to a site that I am an admin on. (would have to get permission from co-admin though).... In the future (this is all hypothetical mind you), all graphics discussions could be routed to this off-site place without worrying about the linky ban?

</idea that is bad>
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  • #54
Brawny said:

I don't see why a separate section would hurt anything, other than organizing random threads..... Maybe I could add a section to a site that I am an admin on. (would have to get permission from co-admin though).... In the future (this is all hypothetical mind you), all graphics discussions could be routed to this off-site place without worrying about the linky ban?

</idea that is bad>
You might want to delete that

You're already in trouble enough Brawny...don't make it worse. :)

P.S. Is it cool if I write your name down?
ive been asked to put my nam here, and add me if you want to...but it will just never work. like Prze said its just not that popular, and its not all that interesting (to me).

But go ahead and put me on if you want to.
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  • #57
ottoman said:
ive been asked to put my nam here, and add me if you want to...but it will just never work. like Prze said its just not that popular, and its not all that interesting (to me).

But go ahead and put me on if you want to.
Don't you sound exhilarated? You have no idea how big the sub-community wants this section, the popularity demand is growing rapidly, just you wait. :)

Btw, lee, I wasn't asking you, I was asking Brawny. :p
ssbb_lover said:
Don't you sound exhilarated? You have no idea how big the sub-community wants this section, the popularity demand is growing rapidly, just you wait. :)

Btw, lee, I wasn't asking you, I was asking Brawny. :p

i know, i was saying 'very' as in, it would be cool if another name was added. Plus im really hyper and dont know what im on about or what im on :crazy:
This would be a good idea, a seperate section for graphics, sigs and avvy talk.

it will clear some cluter and stuff

it will be very popular.

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