Graphics Sub-section Petition!

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  • #31
Sovieto said:
cmon! i know there are way many more people than this who would want a graphics section
AndyDS, osmx, & many more....where are you?!!? I'm gonna be PMing a lil bit around here...
tyler, pay ion to advertise on homepage:lol:
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  • #33
Cpt.McCloud said:
tyler, pay ion to advertise on homepage:lol:
Heh, i'm savin for a 360; don't think i'm gonna blow it on here. :) Sry guys. :p
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  • #35
Stranger said:
YES!:thumbsup: :D :thumbsup:
Good man. :D VERY GOOD MAN. :lol:

We're already at 20 members. :)

Make sure to PM anyone you know who would want this section to become a reality. :D
Lets annoy the hell out of ion untill he says yes :) lol

just get prinny to say yes, ion will listen;)
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  • #37
Cpt.McCloud said:
Lets annoy the hell out of ion untill he says yes :) lol

just get prinny to say yes, ion will listen;)

The Fox has a point. I try not to piss off the owner of the website though, i've kept a good relationship with him for the entire life of this website, i'm gonna try to keep it that way. :)
Just get the higher profile members like dark prinny, tlc, yourself, prez, etc.
Just write out a list of the people that you would of wanted to sign it and if there is any that havnt already signed then pm them
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  • #39
Cpt.McCloud said:
Just get the higher profile members like dark prinny, tlc, yourself, prez, etc.
Just write out a list of the people that you would of wanted to sign it and if there is any that havnt already signed then pm them
I have myself, TLC, and Prez on there already. :) out for a PM....
sl, make a new member thread and it will lure dark prinny in.

once he is there net him and interogate him untill he says yes.

im a YES
hey use are doing what i done for reviews thread
it wont come immeadiatly just to tell you
it will take time

and ITs a yes
you have wii_cs vote
it will help since im high soceity (lol)
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  • #44
wii_cammy said:
hey use are doing what i done for reviews thread
it wont come immeadiatly just to tell you
it will take time

and ITs a yes
you have wii_cs vote
it will help since im high soceity (lol)
Thanks so very much. :) I'm bolding everyone's name with over 500 posts, just to show they got cred. :p

Oh, and grats on your reviews section. :)

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