Graphics Sub-section Petition!

sl, lets see which rep he got first mine or yours . . .

il take credit for his second block anyway:smilewinkgrin:
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
awww i wannna be bolded o well just 2 more rep points to go!

I tried to give you rep but i have already given you some lately , sorry :cool:
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  • #79
lee.jarratt said:
I repped you btw hehe

Wow, what a love-filled community the GFX section is. :)

Look at the OP, Wii_BrEnDo. :)
If pokemon gets one insted of graphics il leave lol

pokemon :O is it really still that popular, wow, pokemon has been like the most loved things ever.. . . .

vote graphics!
ok team
pm everyone online
and ask them
kk do it now
and we will get this place under way

and cpt mcloud
i neva knew pokemon was still popular i used to love it though
wii_cammy said:
ok team
pm everyone online
and ask them
kk do it now
and we will get this place under way

That's just like spamming/advertising :rolleyes:
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  • #87
Brawny said:
Anyone notice the pokemon sub-section thread yet? lol.

Pokemon gets one, but not...GFX? *shrieks*

This is a sin, I demand a world-flood, pronto.
There is going to be a flood, lets a build a giant arch and leave all the noobs behind :D

and wii cammy, annoying the hell out of everyone is not the way to go:lol:
lol nice try tho.
Yeah!! we can all paint it to look cool. Put wiichat opponent's url's on it. When they all die, we can laught........</sarcasm>

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