Graphics Sub-section Petition!

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  • #16
Woot, c'mon guys, keep the Yes's coming, this could persuade the head honcho to get this place running around with more awesomeness than there is currently (yes, it is possible).

We could make this happen. :)
Prez said:
Should have been in the Site Feedback section...:nono:
And on that topic, you guys have to understand that it just isn't a popular subject. Anything you wish to be accomplished can be done by making threads in the lounge (which can become stickied if needed).
For example, Wii Online gets a section because it is a popular topic (dozens (if not more) threads a day).
Graphics gets how many?
Get it to become an extremely popular subject and you have sold me :)
Weeeelll if the SOTW continues to be popular (which each week will have 2 threads and 1 thread to show winners) then that will end up clogging up the lounge :] thought I doubt I'll want to do every thread...
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  • #23
Wiired said:
Weeeelll if the SOTW continues to be popular (which each week will have 2 threads and 1 thread to show winners) then that will end up clogging up the lounge :] thought I doubt I'll want to do every thread...
Yes, yes....good thinking. :)

This section will be inevitable.

Oh, and I followed your suggestion (see OP).

C'mon guys, let's get some more YES's!!!
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they might as well make a darkprinny gallery too.
Syntax says yes for a Graphics Sub Section...

Off topic: Nice sig bubba..
Sure, why not; though I maintain my pessimism about it's likelihood of actually being made.
cmon! i know there are way many more people than this who would want a graphics section

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