Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

why is it that everytime i find a board with me level 38 and 7 levels from 8 and down that all of them but me have rocket lunchers.

I don't really know what you're saying, some punctuation might help. Do you mean you don't know how to get the grenade launcher?
This totally cracked me up. It also helped a lot with gaining experience points in some matches tonight. In still learning the boards and tactics and I'm only up to level 11 so I've done a lot of the dumb stuff you've talked about but I love the game and have a great time playing. If I'm ever hosting and suddenly cut out it's because my daughter loves to press the eject button. Time to get a new entertainment center...hahaha
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  • #138
Glad it's made you smile Hbi :wink:

Grenade launchers! Yes, damnit. I see loads of ppl using them at the moment and some of the guys are level 23 -25. Run up to me and launch a grenade in my face. There was a couple of guys last night (must be a small clan thing as they had matching bits in their names) that were mid level 20s and they both were using launchers, I'd sprayed a full hi-cap mag from my Stauger in to one of them and he didn't die, just blew me up.

I've never used one to be honest, wouldn't know how to.
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  • #139
Ok so I've pinched the [WC] clans idea and created a room for anyone playing GoldenEye to use. I think this can really add to the fun of the game because you can chat between games, sort out invites for teaming up with other players or just pop for a natter. Simply follow the link (then add to your favourites for future use), give your self a user name (best to use your game name) and then enter the chat room. If you lose the link it's in my signature.
NOTE that when you want to leave the chat room click on your name in the right hand window and then click "Leave Room Now", this way you can rejoin whenever you want to without getting the message that you're already in there, takes a little while for the room to recognise you're not there and can be up to an hour! So remember to do the whole "Leave Room Now" thing.

It's the same type of room some of us have used before (before it became [WC] clans room) and most of those that used it are/were part of the [WC] Clan and with that in mind it means it will take a while to get new people in there. If you find it useful and want to invite other GE players then copy the link and send it to them or paste it in to your signature on the related forums you use. It's a permanent room (it's there even though the creator or users aren't in it) so you can check in whenever you want to.

So here you go, remember it's early days and will need to get the word around a few players to get some interest. It's not in competition with anyone else it is simply to help you find and buddy up with players you need to exchange friend codes with etc etc To be honset it will help me and most of the guys in this thread keep in contact with games. I'll be on personally each night from about 10pm ish UK time but the room can be used by anyone, at any time, from any country

Hope it helps :wink:
Hey, wtf?! I don't understand why you "old" people have to be so annoying to us...
a little kid beated you? f*** off! if you are that mature well, don't get pissed for stupid things like that. much easier, DON'T PLAY! I bet that a 10 years old kid can beat you! ..anyways, this thread is a ****!

PS: I don't care what the f*** you think about this, so, go ahead and reply it.

ur right about that much im only 11 and i was lvl 51 but my younger brother deleted my and my dads profile now we started one together we are lvl 41 now (i did all the work) and i domonate my name even states tht im 11
Hey Carlito, I think I finally saw you last night..we were on the same team for one maybe two games. Though the Carlito I was playing with was a level 3...surely you're higher than that now? I like your chat room idea, and I might use it. I generally don't give out my friend code simply because of how I play. Who the hell wants a camper/sniper on their team. Hell last night on 3 seperate occasions in team conflict, my own team, would let off grenades or empty entire clips beside me to give away my position. Fine with me, your milkshake brings all the boys to my yard---for quick deaths. I love the people that position themselves in front of me so I can't see and continute to melee attack me(again my own teammates) Too funny.
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  • #142
Hi mate, I was on last night but yeah I've dragged myself up to lvl 26 now. You're the sneaky sniper chap from a couple of pages back aren't you :wink: So wasn't me last night mate but hope to spot you soon buddy.

The chat room thing, I've played a few games using an old room set up by the WC Clan guys and it really helps keep track of invites, friend codes etc and just having a laugh between games. The clan guys have their own specific room now but we can see how this new one goes, the more ppl know about it the more we'll have to kill....I mean erm befriend and share our tips with.

I hear your pain on the unsilenced guys standing next to you blasting away :frown5: I usually use them, as you do, as bait :yesnod:
Catch yopu soon matey :wink:
Hey Carlito tried to send ya a message the other day, your box was full, empty it dude! Good gaming the other day.
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  • #145
Bloody terralites' huge carrying handle makes it hard to see stuff sometimes, so I keep reverting to the Stauger, but miss the power of the terralite so go back to it, then the handle bugs me so go back to...repeat until fade.Humphh
wow, ummm i guess experience is the only cure, worked for me but i got hang of it at about level 18, and 10pm gmt is about 5:00 EST and thats when the kiddies are playing the most.
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  • #148
Switched from some bodged together control settings today to experienced 3 pre-set because I kept getting stuck when moving sometimes. I find exp 3 to be over sensitive, will exp 2 be a little less sensitive?
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  • #150
Bloody hell, it took me ages and a lot of deaths last night to get my settings back to something useable. Still not 100% but better.

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