Forming Team

well i know im not in the clan yet but if i get in im in that war ill be pumped thats IF i m accepted but first i need to be tested and i dont know when? but the thing is at sometimes i rock at other times i suck my worstis 13 eliminations/25 deaths
I wont be on GE till Wednesday because I will be on vacation. Dont delete me, ill be back.
hey guys, i wont be here for the inner clan match tomorrow (Sunday) my lil sister has a softball game and she wants me to come and watch, so im gonna go spend some time with the family and watch her kick some ass. i might get on a bit tomorrow early tho. tonight is date night.
I cant do the inner clan thing tomorrow anymore, i am going on a short notice vacation tomorrow to Boston till Wednesday.
This is something I am interested in, but I don't how to form a team. Im in the 10nth grade. Who would I talk to about it? The principal?
WTF first off, he prolly quit cause he got invites from us. so i doubt he is a rage quitter.

and this is for everyone. 008Brawler11 is a radar hacker. he was like lvl 43. and i tested it out and i sat in a corner and he comes around guns blazin low, right where i was.
thought i would share it.

also is yo mama in WC?? we played against him yesterday, i never knew if he/she was or not. never seen them in chat.
The war with will be on Wednesday the 13th? Who can make it, I said ace, HQ, cujo, vol,unknown are down? Can u guys make it? Probably at 10 est

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