Faulty Wii? Hardware issues?

The best way to get a replacement Wii is though Nintendo. Since they are the manufacturer, they always have some in stock to send out as replacements. They send it with free shipping and everything. Mine came REALLY fast.
RaptorZX3 said:
note that the speaker in the Wiimote is really cheap, some peoples even think of opening their Wiimote and replace the speaker in it for a better one (with the help of a Triwing screwdriver)

Well to be honest I really don't want to mess around inside all three of my Wiimotes and I want to know why all three of my Wiimotes are making crazly sounds instead of the sounds they should be and why none of my friends are having this problem and they also have three Wiimotes each.
It sounds to me like there is some kind of interference...
That actually could be it because I have an infered transmitter that sends the Sky picture on the T.V. dowstairs upstairs... Thanks I will try moving it to another room.
the wii mote doesn't get sound by the infrared, it gets it via bluetooth. that wireless transmitter might cause interference if it is 2.4ghz, disabling that device or any nearby bluetooth devices might help
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hello, when powering on the wii console is it normal to hear sounds like its being fed a disc without a disc in the console?
what you hear is the tray motor i think, the "wheel/rolling carpet"(?) that feeds the disc in and out of the dvd drive.

i always leave a disc inside my Wii, so it doesn't make sounds when powering it on or turning it off
It is a normal sound for not having a disc in
my problem is when i go to shop at the "wii shop" it will connect and then it will freeze......thats about the 934234 time too ive had to hard reset the wii
:( so whats your diagnosis on that one? :(
Ren said:
Ender said:
I am having the same problem, started about 4 weeks after owning system. i notice they don't appear on the Internet Channel but there are alot more on legend of zelda. i have tried formatting the system memory, didn't expect much of a result, but tried anyway. might have made it worse. Emailed nintendo as well, but not really expexting an answer for a while. I think the graphic processor is defective.Here are links to a few pics of the artifacts.

I am also experiencing this little video problem :( They appeared christmas day, I tryed another set of cabels but it didn't work they were still there. they are little lines on the menu that flicker in and out, they also appear in need for speed carbon alot, but in carbon they appear as white dots all over the screen, usually when there is fog or smoke. I have also seen them in mario bros on the virtual console as white dots at the screen between levels. i haven't tryed many of my NGC games but the seem to appear in sonic adventure battle 2 :( this really sucks I'm definatly going to have to contact nintendo support.
PS. they are definatly not burnt out pixels as the appear on my friends tv in the same spots.

Hi - I am having the same problem with the dots. What is the fix ? Did you guys send it back to N.. What should I do?


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