everybody's nintendo channel

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  • #76
well lets not get all mean about it! LETS JUST SAY I HOPE IT COMES OUT TOMMORROW!!!
We'll just find out tomorrow if we do get it or not get it... just hope this is true and not a rumor or a fakey... so yeah... either morning, afternoon or evening tomorrow to see if we get the blue glowing pop up in our wii system... but you never know, it can be the one what were looking for or just a message from your friend.:cool:

Like i said.. if we really do it get it, i be hella happy and go and download some ds demo games.
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  • #78
well i think when it releases we are going to be really dissapointed because we thought it was going to be something great but it isn't as great as it sounded. i dont really like the check mii out channel and i was really thinking it was going to be great and i was going to make miis and submit them but i dont really like the channel that much. i use the everybody votes channel more than the check mii out channel. i always vote for everything.
Come to think of it... prolly might not even get it tomorrow and it prolly be like around December or something just to make a guess and all.. but then again matthew it could or maybe be out tomorrow like you said... who knows, it can happen.
The vast majority of the content on the channel is to do with Wii Fit so Americans may not get it closer to release and us Europeans may be waiting till 2025 but at least we still have Zack and wiki, Nights and Medal of Honor Heroes 2 to play this year. Woops!!!!
Oh men!!! I cant wait for this channel. Hopefully it will come soon.
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  • #83
Well I Hope It Comes Out Some Time Soon Also And Sorry For The Wrong Information But Was On Various Other Websites!
Im guessing we will get it around next month in december... prolly around christmas day or new years eve just to make my guess.
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  • #86
well i hope we get it sooner than that
I've heard that the channel is FULL of WiiFit vids. Doesn't WiiFit hit stores in early December (for some reason the 8th is sticking out in my mind)?

Hopefully that means we'll get it next week.
LevesqueIsKing said:
I've heard that the channel is FULL of WiiFit vids. Doesn't WiiFit hit stores in early December (for some reason the 8th is sticking out in my mind)?

In Japan yes, but in the US it'll be sometime in early 2008.
ericlewis91 said:
no wiift will be out sooner then that....its a major x-mas thing...like guitar hero

nintendo will want the money from this

Wii Fit has only gotten a release date for Japan. Everywhere else is TBD. However the December release date for Japan has been known for quite awhile now so since they've said nothing about the US release date, it's extremely unlikely that it will be out in the US until next year.

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