everybody's nintendo channel

Not sure what you guys are on about because it says "This channel is due to be released in Japan in November, 2007It will be released in Europe in December and in North America as well"

I assumed the wording meant December this year for Europe and the US.

I copied and pasted directly from that link near the bottom of the page under the Future Channels heading. I'm in Ireland so was looking out for Europe more than the US.

It does look like someone just bolted that on though, so I wouldn't trust it.

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what website did you get this information from
he got it from www.wikipedia.com matthewj

@hideous.ap, you posted that link at 6:15 am PST, if you go down to the bottom of the page of wiki it updated at 6:29 am PST today
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Figured out the reason for the confusion. There are two different wikipedia pages that look almost identical but have differences:

This link ends in Wii_Menu and has the info I copied and pasted.


This link ends in Wii_Channel and has more or less the same info but the sentence that I was refering to isn't there:


Weird...thought I was going mad and seeing things there for a minute.
ha ha you lied to us hideous ! ...you lied and you'll pay ! ......just like those other liars paid for what they lied about before they paid for it !!

Only joking !

Stupid wikipedia !!
Yeah I guess that taught me a valuable lesson when it comes to using wikipedia.

Don't use it kids! Just say no!

Everybody's Channel does sound like it might be brilliant whenever it does get released.

hideous.ap said:
Figured out the reason for the confusion. There are two different wikipedia pages that look almost identical but have differences:

This link ends in Wii_Menu and has the info I copied and pasted.


This link ends in Wii_Channel and has more or less the same info but the sentence that I was refering to isn't there:


Weird...thought I was going mad and seeing things there for a minute.

i don't mean to be like this, but there's no difference between those 2 links in the article
currently im using my Wii, and i click on both links and they're the same, it doesn't matter, it's not there anymore either way
Skippy said:
Because Nintendo has not enabled that capability in the Wii OS.

That's why, in my initial post, I proposed that they update the system (as they have like 7 times since release) to add USB Hard Drive Drivers, and release a USB hard drive attachment.

Then someone responded that you can't run programs off a USB Hard Drive (In General).

This is inaccurate, I know since I have done it.

Therefore, the point I was making still stands. To whit: Nintendo could easily send out an update with USB hard drive support, allowing us to add a Hard Drive to store larger files, such as WiiWare games and Playable Wii game Demos.
balrogs.pa said:
i think your a retard.

Now think to your self, you insult the wii. a GAMEING console, okay. now think again, Why should a gameing console be able to play dvd's play music, have internet, download new things, check weather, and check the news? It shouldnt, its a GAMING console. and theres a reason computers and t.v's exist, do you wanna know the big secret mister? alright now lemme tell you in a quiet tone. To do the things that i listed up there.. Nintendo actually did better than the others gaming wize. considering they evolved. and ps3 and xbox are still on controllers. atleast ps3 tried to get a little motion sensory. now i can accept the fact that nintendo not having voice chat may suck along with the ''bad'' graphics. but the rest can go to hell for me. thats the reason im on my computer, looking at a news website, looking at photo's i just took of my family, going on the internet to make you feel stupid, and to send emails to my friends. now if you want a GAMEING console to do all that? mabye they should rename it.

I'm sorry but I wholly disagree. To look at anything as JUST a gaming console is outdated and, frankly, primitive! Go back to 1999! I never thought I'd say that! ;P LOL. I do love my Wii though and am really very ticked off that they haven't enabled the obvious. Besides, it has tons of potential to change the way many people interact with machines and the net in their everyday lives by allowing people who would normally never have pc's in their living room be able to interact with each other in very innovative and creative ways! I wish they had made that Wii message board thing an actual message board where you can post to friends online in like a little community to even people in your own house. Nintendo needs to hurry up and get some new hardware out as well. I mean a dedicated keyboard for the wii, chat, e-mail maybe, anything. I had the idea that you could make a small qwerty keyboard that plugged into the Wii mote like all the other accessories and runs along the side of the wii mote. as long as it was ergonomically designed well you could point at what ever you are doing on the wii, then rotate the wii mote sideways and type away. But NO! I should frigging patent that. All I know is they better not screw this up! You hear me nintendo, I'm watching you!!!:mad5:
Any news on this channel? Will we really get it by the end of the month?
so this channel is to send demos of upcoming games to your wii or ds? sounds cool

edit: my nintendo power had an article about check mii out and the new channel. it was japanese and they said they dont now when either of them is coming out, but since we already got the check mii out channel i would say we're getting the new one soon. i cant wait for this channel
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well as you all know that the Japan Realase is still saying November 2007 but they havn't put a date on it. but i hope when they relase it in japan then they will relase it in the US

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