everybody's nintendo channel

I just noticed theres like so many other threads on this same topic that need to be merged but i dont have the ability to do that so yeh i'll tell my mod friend when he gets on :p
So we won't be able to download metroid prime preview channel anymore after the 21st? Lol Is not that good but is still cool having it.
You know that for instance when I first saw the mp preview I though it was like a demo channel where you could play a small sample of mp3 corruption but then I realized that it was just a video viewer...-_-
Only 3-4 days to go until we hit christmas eve on the 24th... man oh man, i really hope its gonna be the "Everybodys Nintendo Channel".. really want this channel too since japan got it already and watching the video for it to see what was like on it as well.
Link_of_Hyrule said:
possible i think nintendo will release it soon since a lot of people are getting a wii for xmas it would be a great oppertunity for them to advertise more stuff to more people.

True. Good point
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well lets just hope it comes out sometime soon!!! And i haven't been looking on the virtual console lately but when you said the metroid prime 3 preview channel was leaving the 21st do you mean december 21st?
Didnt come out for christmas eve at all and we got a couple of good games though... well, hopefully we just wait until New Years Eve and see what we get for the end of the year.

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