everybody's nintendo channel

It definetely is out in Japan tommorrow Saturday 1st of December but the rest of the world is 08 or 2018 if ur in Europe
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well is there any news about it comming out yet?
Nobody knows. Mabye Nintendo do but no-one seems to ask Reggie or any of the others anything. CVG asked some guy from Nintendo UK. His response was something like. Nintendo has not comfirmed any plans to release this channel in this region.
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WEll i emailed nintendo on the release of the everybody's nintendo channel but they say something like thanks for the interest in the channel but we have not yet have a release date!

ComeOn they know when the release date is they are just not telling anybody!!!
I think its gonna be on the 24th of christmas eve, im just taking a wild guess... hopefully it will be that season gift we will get of Everybodys Nintendo Channel.
The metroid preview channel is being taken down on the 21st - hopefully a sign that it'll be switching to everybody's nintendo channel :)
possible i think nintendo will release it soon since a lot of people are getting a wii for xmas it would be a great oppertunity for them to advertise more stuff to more people.
Link_of_Hyrule said:
possible i think nintendo will release it soon since a lot of people are getting a wii for xmas it would be a great oppertunity for them to advertise more stuff to more people.

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