Euro/UK Order Confirmations and Denials

pandoras_socks said:
i say we kidnap the dog and sheep from the adverts! and feed them to guinea pigs.

Even better I suggest we inform the Sun and the Daily Star that the dog and sheep are operating a peadophile ring - then the entire british tabloid reading masses will be crying out for their blood. And will be on my side. The side that hates woolworths... :lol: :sick:
brokerick said:
those people who pre-ordered off when are you getting it? i pre-ordered on september the 18th and it hasn't been dispatched, it just says 'pre-ordered' :(

I pre ordered mine on the 15th of September and mine has been shipped and will get it tomorrow. They only got 300 or 400 units in and actually had around 7000 orders taken so I think you have missed out on the first batch from what i can make out.
Spoke to an awesome Amazon UK rep and he said that my Wii was sent at 1:22pm today and I should have it tomorrow. But he said that the online order tracker is having delays at the moment. YAY!
i really hope you are wrong :)
but that really does suck. by the sounds of people on here it looks like there will be a lot of unhappy shoppers.
Well I am off home now so I won't be back until tomorrow mid-day. Either to proclaim my joy at owning a wii (unlikely) or to generally complain about not owning a wii.
Have a good launch day everyone. Hopes y'all get wii'd on. lol couldn't resist...
My boss have just got off the phone to Woolworth’s head office about his Wii pre order for tomorrow that this morning was all going fine, now has been told that the whole of Woolworth’s aren't getting any consoles for launch date, said they were told around lunchtime by Nintendo. Can't believe it that a company that size isn’t getting ANY!! And have no idea when they are actually going to get some. He asked what about people like Argos etc and she said she would be very surprised about them getting any as well? Don’t know how true that is. Sounds like there are going to be major problems tomorrow!!
samt1 said:
My boss have just got off the phone to Woolworth’s head office about his Wii pre order for tomorrow that this morning was all going fine, now has been told that the whole of Woolworth’s aren't getting any consoles for launch date, said they were told around lunchtime by Nintendo. Can't believe it that a company that size isn’t getting ANY!! And have no idea when they are actually going to get some. He asked what about people like Argos etc and she said she would be very surprised about them getting any as well? Don’t know how true that is. Sounds like there are going to be major problems tomorrow!!

It's sounding a little worrying to say the least.
ToadIsDoingMagicMushrooms said:
Well I've heard that if Argos don't call me then my Wii will arrive tommorow.

Fingers crossed they don't call tonight!:wink:

Hopefully you do get it mate!!!
what does this mean

1 Nintendo Wii Console And Controller And Wii Sports Game Nintendo Wii Fulfilled
1 Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess Nintendo Wii Ready For Despatch
1 Wii Play And Wireless Remote Nintendo Wii Ready For Despatch

the wii says fulfilled but others say ready for despatch

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