Euro/UK Order Confirmations and Denials

Anyone having delays with Wii Play and/or extra wiimotes/nunchucks from Amazon?

They've dispatched Red Steel already, but I had Zelda, Wii Play and an extra nunchuck as one, which hasn't dispatched, or even gone into packing.

I therefore split the order and now Zelda is down as being dispatched today/tomorrow, while Wii Play and the extra nunchuck are estimated to be dispatched on 25th Dec! I also note that they've stopped taking orders for Wii Play and the nunchuck. Don't you just love Nintendo's abundance of Wii accessories? [/sarcasm]
ive had the tracking number from game sine yesterday still not showing on parcel forces website.

I hope it arrives

anyone else tracking from game seen there parcel on the parcel force website?
ime not goin to the midnight launch now.....but my dad sez wen i wake up it will be down stairs all shiny and new:yesnod:

Turns out I was wrong...I just phoned Gamestation, and they said that while I would get my Wii before Christmas, if they hadn't phoned previously, then it wasn't ready for launch... :'(
I'm pretty devastated...
I'll probably still go along, and hope that they forgot to call me or something.
Oh well.
Paul237 said:
Anyone having delays with Wii Play and/or extra wiimotes/nunchucks from Amazon?

They've dispatched Red Steel already, but I had Zelda, Wii Play and an extra nunchuck as one, which hasn't dispatched, or even gone into packing.

I therefore split the order and now Zelda is down as being dispatched today/tomorrow, while Wii Play and the extra nunchuck are estimated to be dispatched on 25th Dec! I also note that they've stopped taking orders for Wii Play and the nunchuck. Don't you just love Nintendo's abundance of Wii accessories? [/sarcasm]

I had a similar problem, i redsteel+zelda in the same order and decided to cancel red steel and order it through (Next day delivery since they had it in stock) - Zelda is flagged for Dec 9th delivery.

Wii play + nunchuck have been unavailable for a while at Amazon, i've been checking daily :(
Well, I've kept my Wii Play and extra nunchuck ordered at Amazon for now, because if I cancel them I probably won't get them from anywhere else quicker anyway.
Spoke to Woolworths again and they checked my order and said that it was showing as despatched and due for delivery to the store on the 8th. So I'll be heading down and hoping to get it tomorrow.

Fingers crossed that their computer system isn't lying!
Did anyone pre-order wii from gamestation website?
I did and i never got a confirmation e-mail, or any contact of any sort.
When i go onto gamestation website and look at my order it says- order status- incomplete

Does this mean i have done something wrong in the ordering process or does it just mean they havnt sent it too me yet

Im sure i completed the order right because it wouldnt have let me pay for it otherwise.
But its just strnge how they didnt send me any confirmation etc.
Any help or advice would be apreciated, thanks! :)
Silent-Sniper said:
Hahaha Game suck balls, I went in their today, they had nothing about the Wii, only a small farty page in their little booklet.

Gamestation have taken over 200 orders, all of which are guaranteed before Christmas, at least Gamestation give a toss about games.

Actually I went to my Gamestation nothing. Went to game I got offered to play it so :p
They had loads of Info
heres a scandal for yah
ive been waiting for months and months for this and i prordered from hmv really early
i was sure i was high on the list so i waited two months today the day before launch i phone them because they didnt phone me
and the guys says i canceled last monday at 10am
i said no one was in my house at 10 am
after 5 times i asked him why are you lying and your wrong and told him you got my name wrong
he gave me four excuses ike you cancelled
the 5th time he says oh wait heres a wii youican take this one
the guy was obiously planing to take my wii
man if i get this prob tomorrow im phoning hq
but i get my wii in the end

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