The most amazing game/movie franchise idea ever!?


Special Olympics Medalist
Nov 21, 2006
Wii Online Code
Ok so I've heard people banging on about a star wars game on the wii and getting all excited. I too am a massive fan of the star wars and I'm 99% certain this will happen at sometime in the future...
But I was looking at some screenshots of elebits and thinking about red steel/metroid and then it hit me....


How f*cking cool would it be to use the wiimote as the nozzle of a proton pack? I mean 4 player online play where you have to catch ghosts and try to "not cross the streams" that would be amazing!
Imagine searching an old mansion for clues about where the ghost is... Or unravelling a complex detective story about the end of the world where you visit various locations - find clues - fight ghosts/demons/demi-gods. The possibilities are endless...

Although the porbability of this happening are about the same as me drinking champagne off uma thurmans naked body.
I'm off home from work now, so I hope by tomorrow there is a full petition for a ghostbusters wii game... later folks ;)
Well unfortunately Ghostbusters is kinda dead brand at the moment. Thats why I don't think gaming companies are willing to buy license and gamble on something this old. Though I must addmit I love ghostbusters 1 B-movie as it is. Indie gaming companies allso won't waste their money to buy license so I think it's highly unlikely.

Oh well I guess we can dream.

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