Corrupt a wish

It Isn't Poisoned But It Spontaneously Combusts When You Swallow It!

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I Wish For Invisble Ink
You Get A Sombrero But The Government Takes You As A UFO And Takes You To Area 51 To Disect You.

I Wish My Stick Figures Would Come Alive. And NOT BLOW UP OR ATTACK ME OR ANYONE ELSE.
You Work Better With It, Buyt Nobody Likes You're Work.

I Wish For A Speck Of Dust.
You get an iphone but you try and ring somebody and it blows up beside you,then you go deaf! I wish i had my wii NOW and there were no faults or it could never break or anahin!
you get an "*" but the "*" comes alive and shoots " at you then the * crawls up your nostrils and goes to sleep on your brain
*Grants Steel-Froggy's wish, so now steel lives in a world of black and white where everything is the same, yet nothing bad happens; and so it will remain - Forever"

I wish for happiness
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You get happiness, but you couldn't buy it with money, so you had to rent it.

I wish for a talking parrot.
Wish granted, but your talking parrot likes to make rude and obscene remarks concerning your girlfriends bust size.

I wish that I could meet Kiera Knightly.
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