Corrupt a wish

You do...bummer. :X

I wish everyone would come to my Mii profile. :D (And also make their own)
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  • #274
Everyone does, but it's filled with porn. Your profile + no pic. = YOU SUCK.
You become pro at tennis but then on your Wii Sports game the option of playing tennis dissipears.

I wish I could own a Dolphin!
your wish comes true but the dolphin, which you named flipper (don't ask me why) kills you and takes over the world
i wish that you guys wouldn't rate my mii profile 10/10
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  • #282
It did but all you could play as were goombas and chus.

I wish I had my wish back.
same result

I wish i could turn into the same wolf link could, without wolf disiease or any bullsheet like that
Your pc gets fixed, but when you turn it on it shorts out the power in your entire house frying everything including your Wii.

i wish i had a infinite wishes.