Corrupt a wish

psychono2 said:
they are but big eyed girls with guns and magical powers aint always that great..

i wish for a copcar
you get a cop car but it was really a bomb test car they were about to blow up so as you are driving along the car blows up out of noware and kills you:devil:
i wish i had a dollar
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sooooooo no wish ok ill go again

i wish this topic would end >_<
The topic on the forums is over...but now everything anyone types is said into your head, driving you insane.

I wish I had the bass skills of Les Claypool.
you do but your amp explodes do to your awsome ness causing fireworks near you for the end show to go off and fly up your ass like a rainbow in a popup book

i want something sharp and shiny
you get an afro,but aq miniture scottish man from new york makes you DANCE DANCE REVELOUTION!Til your legs get amputated
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  • #160
You are, but you get eaten and have to suffer 10,000 years of digestion.

I wish it was flippin' Christmas already!
It is but its Christmas 1906 so things like the Wii have not been invented yet

I Wish I could get past the level I'm currently stuck on in Donkey Kong Coutry on the SNES
You do, but so many bands want you and you turn them all down. Then, you're moving so far up and down the neck of your guitar, you cause so much friction, you start a fire and everyone in the building dies. Thats a whole 36,000 people.

A 200 watt bass amp is just an amp that is really really loud.

I wish I had the willpower to finish my construction project.
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  • #165
You are, but your in a chat-room with a homosexual (*fidget fidget*)

I wish I was allowed to do this:

:ciappa: :ciappa:
:ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa:
:ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa:
:ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa:
:ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa:
:ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa:
:ciappa: :ciappa: