Connection Help

I been having 209601 error for the online shop since i got the Wii, but this morning i manage to get on fine, i even came out of the shop and got back in again with out much delay. so i guess the 209601 error may be just be a server bandwidth shortage problem. If you real want to get a VC game, do it when got up to pee in the mid of the night or something. btw, i live in new zealand, so this may just be a problem for Australia region.

I have 2 laptops, an xbox 360, and 2 tivos and a PSP connected to my wireless network.

However trying to connect a DS or a Wii has been an exercise in frustration. I have connected the DS, but the Wii I've had no dice.

Error Code 51330 is the bane of my existence.

I have Verizon DSL and a Westell 327W modem. I have tried:
changing the channel
changing my key
changing the 80211b rates and the 80211g rates. That is what fixed the DS (setting one of the fallbacks fixed it).

No matter what I have tried it doesn't work. I look at the Westell logs and don't even see the Wii trying to connect.

I don't want to drop $40 on that USB thing...but I'm out of ideas!
Ohter stuff

I've also tried MAC filtering and entering just the Wii on there, I've tried turning off the SSID.

THe Wii detects my SSID fine and I assume it figures out the channel on it's own. The MTU option seems weird to me -- why is that in there?

If only my wii had wired...maybe I could login to virtual console.'
I'd love suggestions!
IcedCorn. Have u got it to detect ur SSID, connect and attempt a test? if so, try changing the MTU Value to 1492. This has been in earlier posts...
Thanks but no luck

Thanks for the post. Sorry I didn't make it clear.

When I select "Search for an access point" it recognizes my connection (my SSID) and says it's secure and I get 4 bars (best reception since the router and wii are in the same room).

I have entered the WEP key and left everything else on auto.. I just changed the MTU to what you said, but still unable to connect.
Has ur router got any options like turbo wireless or extended range settings? if so, it needs to be turned off. I had that problem when i setup mine. Alternatively, you could remove ur WEP and have no security for testing purposes, and see if it will connect then. Also i found that once i changed a setting on my router, the Wii didn't pick it up unless i went out of the internet settings page and back in...
The weird thing with mine is it will update, just wont connect when I try to go through the Wii Shop Channel. I get error code 209601.

I use a Linksys Wireless Router
I'm getting 209601 at the moment also. It seems like a reasonable guess that it's a server side error.
Is anyone from the UK able to connect to the online store now?

I haven't changed anything since I was last online but now I cannot seem to connect at all, the strange thing is the error message I get is the same as when the USB dongle went kaput, but the software on the PC's updates the last connection time as though the Wii has connected, I can't check if it said User has connected though as my Wii is upstairs.

Edit: Also, I am still able to send messages to my friend's Wii and my email with no error codes been thrown at me.
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I've Tried it ALL without Success!!!

I officially HATE Wii Online.
I have no idea why it won't work for me. I read every post here and tried all the options without a stitch of luck, what the hell is wrong with this little white Turd!!!
I have a Microsoft MN-700 wireless router which according to Nintendo is "Recommended", I have added the Wii's MAC address, manually tried inputting everything, tried the Auto detect, tried it all.
The damn Wii picks up on my signal but won't connect to it. The error code is 13110 or somthing like that, I've seen it here a thousand times, so I think everyone knows what I am talking about.

If there is someone out there that can FIX this problem with ease, please take a minute and relieve me of my misery. I would really appreciate it.


Drowning in My own Tears! :-(
OK, it's not so much an error code but an error nonetheless methinks, I had no idea where else to post it and the Wii site had nothing to say about it >.>

OK, the big blue slot light has been on for 30mins or so and I can't turn on the console, has it crashed? Is it updating? Is it safe to disconnect it or am I going to have to wait for eternity to use it again? Any help appreciated guys :(
Never mind, it had frozen after it downloaded a message from a friend and EVENTUALLY turned on. Crisis averted and money saved, I can go to bed now ;p
error 52030. i keep getting it and its NOT GOING AWAY ive tried manually putting in my setting n stuff but still no luck umm i have a westell versalink 327 w umm can someone PM me with help?? PLEASEE

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